22. Park

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" The park is always too noisy for my liking, I prefer being quiet, " Nemesis shrugged nonchalantly. She was in her pick top and cute little shorts that matched her stuffed toy. I needed to breathe so I asked to take Nemesis along with me. I surely needed company. Israel left for college. I also called Lucy to inform her I'd be moving. It shocked her but it was the best.

Israel after insisted I stayed away from all the places, my parents could track me.  They knew of my apartment and it was the first they had visited to ask about me from Lucy. She didn't give them any information and pretended she definitely didn't know me and wasn't friends with me.

" Quiet is good but a little noise once it a while makes it better. More lively and the ability to breathe," I explained and squashed her cheeks together.

" That's gross, " she stuck her tongue out and I couldn't help but laugh.

My gaze fell on the children playing around with their mothers. Whisky others chased others, others caressed their sons and daughters. It was a great scenery to get your mind off all the bad things.

I turned to Nemesis. She had a frown on her face as she stared at them.

" What's wrong baby, " I bent to her level. She had tears in her eyes. I pulled her into my chest.

" Shh, baby please. Don't cry, " I cooed, my own eyes brimmed with tears.

" I--- I wish I had a mother like everyone else. " she hiccuped and pulled away. Oh God.

" My mama left to heaven, that's what papa says but I wish I  met her so I could tell her about school and the cute little boy with a lot of freckles, " she blushed.

" Your mama must be looking at you dream heaven, she's very proud of you and tell me about the cute little boy, " I brushed the tip of my noise on hers causing her to giggle.

" He's called Exodus, I like to call him Ezo, he has the most prettiest freckles.  Except he's very shy." she shrugged and I nodded as we walked through the park.

" He loves pink, even though I always tell him pink is for girls, " she pouts and I laugh.

" Boys who love pink, are the best, " I said causing her to gasp.

" Really?, tell me have you ever met a boy who loved pink like Ezo?," I smiled genuinely.

" Luke loved pink so much, " I tell her. It caused a flood of memories to wash over me.

I remembered teasing him about it and ended up always stealing his pink shirts. They looked really good on him.

" Luke, is that your boyfriend?, " she asked curiously.

" Something like that, " I pinched my thumb and index finger together.

" Then I think my papa was too late, "

Oh, if you knew the bad things I've done. With your papa.

I blushed at her words. Talking to kids made you feel like one and Nemesis made new feel that way after a long time.

I looked at my phone and then I decided to do the most craziest thing in my life. It had been so many days,weeks and months.

" Hi, ---Luke, "

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