30. T . A

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Two weeks had gone by since I told Israel, I loved him. After hugging him that day, he stayed for a while before he left. That was it. I didn't hear from him. He neither texted or called. It only meant one thing. He was avoiding me. He had made it a point to avoid me.

He came to class, but never looked my way. I was so frustrated both sexually and emotional. Yes, I did miss his dick. I missed his hands on my body and branding my ass. I missed seeing his love bites. I missed talking and seeing him .I desperately missed talking to Nemesis. I didn't know how I was going to step foot in his mansion. For the past two weeks, I was in with Lucy. She made it a point to taunt me with the fact that I was sex hungry.

I bit the insides of my cheeks as he talked to the class. I dont know if it was the love, I had for him by his voice changed. It was so smooth and rich, like chocolate dripping down a strawberry.

" And that brings us to the end of today's lesson. I'll see you all on Monday. Have a great day. " he packed his things and exited the class. The same fucking routine. Not a glance.

" This man can really make you frustrated, " I sent Lucy a glare. She just laughed.

" It ain't funny, " I whined. She pouted.

" If he doesn't talk to you, then why don't you go talk to him. " she suggested as she packed her books and laptop into her bag.

" It isn't like I have a chance to talk to him, I don't even have an excuse to talk to him. " I said breathlessly. When it came to him I was always breathless.

" You said something about being his TA, before all of this?, " Lucy wiggled her brows. How could I forget it. I could go see him with the excuse of sending all the previous documents to the chancellor. That would help.

But you haven't been there in two weeks.

" I haven't stepped foot there in two weeks!," I whisper yelled.

" Just go. Don't miss it. Don't wait till he leaves. Go find that fine ass." she winked and left me with a hefty amount of thoughts.

My legs carried me to his office. I made sure to stay away from the door. The last time I was right behind it, he saw my shadow. I played with my fingers, literally tearing them off before I finally knocked.

"Come in, " he answered professionaly. Come to think of it. Israel only smiled and became open around me. To everyone else, even Lucy, he was the meanest professor. She was blabbing about how I could fall in love with such a mean man. It was funny listening to her rants.

I twisted the door handle and stood rooted in the doorway. He was busy reading a few papers, with a frown on his face. The bags under his eyes were visible from where I stood. His head shot up and I swear, I flipped on my own two feet.

" Good evening, professor, " I looked everywhere. How many book were on his shelf?. Maybe ten, twenty, thirty---fourty---

" Good evening Miss Moreno, to what do I own your visit?, " he went back to reading his papers. That was hell awkward.

" I -urr---I came to pick up the documents for the, errr--chancellor. " I stuttered. This was way embarrassing. Fuck you, Lucy.

" It has been taken care of, and yes, I wanted to clear some things up with you. " my ears surely straightened. That effect in movies.

" Since its almost time to break for the semester, you will be relived of your duties as my TA. You will no longer be my TA. " he announced. I don't really hear him. Did I?. I freaking did. I was no longer going to be his teaching assistant. Legit, it felt like he was firing me. I used that paycheck for buying stuffed toys. Like how in the hell was I gonna but them now.

I know my parents had given me my share of the Moreno industries but like that money was so fucking important.

" What if the semester begins again?," I asked.

" You will no longer be my TA anymore until I leave this college, is that more understandable Miss Moreno?. " my jaw literally fell.

" Israel , I fucking need that money for my stuffed toy collection. Now how will I get them?!, " I yelled. I knew no one would hear us. Everyone already left.

" I'll be getting them for you, "

"What?, " I asked, confused.

" Will you be my girlfriend Miss Moreno?, "

Someone fucking slap me. Maybe I was dreaming. I was in a nightmare and I was surely going to wake up any second. Lucy will probably yell my name and wake me up from this deep slumber.

" Wait, I thought you didn't want to talk to me. You've clearly avoided me for two freaking weeks, Israel. " I rambled on.

" Space. We both needed it after what happened and now we both know what we want, " he rose from his seat, in all glory and snackness. Focus, Cassie.

" We want each other. Not as a good fuck or a fantasy but two people who love each other. To put it in our terms,
Two people who touch eachother." I missed his cologne.

"So, will you be my girlfriend, Cassandra?, " he stared at me through those lashes. Jesus Christ.

" Fuck, yes!, " I was definitely going to hell for the number of times I had used fuck that day.

" I touch you Cassandra, "

" I touch, touch, touch you Israel. " I hugged him. This wasn't meant to start on a kiss basis. It was supposed to start how it ,started. With a hug.

Just like I hugged him for the first time.

" Touch me, Cassandra, " he said. He didn't have to.

"Shh, Israel. " we stayed like that for so many minutes.

" I'm such a cry baby, " I sniffled and stared at him as I wiped my tears.

" I missed you. " I confessed.

" I missed you too. " he placed a kiss on my lips.

" Nemesis, " I trailed off.

"She's probably waiting for you, this time she was calm as I explained my plan to her. She judged a few of my lines, saying it sounded terrible, " he scoffed playfully. I chuckled softly.

" Can we go to your house? , " I stared at him.

" Our home, baby girl, " he crashed his lips on mine, a deep and highly orgasmic kiss.

" I don't want to keep, Nemesis waiting, " I blushed as we pulled apart breathless.

The day wasn't over yet. That I was sure.

The Professor's Cassandra Where stories live. Discover now