29. Ending

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It was already morning when I sent him a text. I was nervously fidgeting with the hem of Lucy's hoodie. She also left after making me breakfast. I could barely eat a bite but I had to. She said I needed the strength to speak to him. I did because I hadn't ate much since yesterday. It took so many persuasion to make her leave. She had a test on a course she was gonna take today. She insisted on missing it but I couldn't allows her. It was important.

I jumped when I felt a hand make contact with my shoulder. I released a breath when I realized it was just him. When did he come inside?. My gaze flitted between the and him.

"Oh right, I had knocked so many times, it happened to be unlocked," I nodded with closed eyes.

" We need to talk. " I broke the sudden silence. He moved closer but I stopped him. He looked confused.

" Please sit. " I pointed to the sofa opposite mine. He didn't ask questions but sat down anyways. I took a deep breath and met his gaze.

" Luke, " I said quietly. Luke. This name brought me so many things in my life. Pain. Happiness. Life. It seemed like yesterday when I saw him entering the class, the first time I discovered he loved pink, the day we came up with a safe word, endless of dates. It had to end.

" I know you love me, I loved you too. You made me live,cry and smile altogether and I'll forever be indebted to you. You have me a life I dreamt of and I want to say thank you. " He was looking at me with so much pain in his eyes.

" But it's time to let go." I whispered the last part. I swallowed more tears.

" Cassandra, what do you mean let go?, " he asked as he rose from his seat, carrying all the qualities I fell for.

" All of this. Luke it's time to let it all go because, "

" Because what, Cassandra! " I flinched at the sound of his voice. He had every right to be angry. Maybe this our relationship wasn't meant to  last from the start. It just wasn't meant to be in the first place. It was doomed before it even started.

" I'm in love with someone else, " I confessed. My eyes met his. He laughed. It was short and continuous as if he couldn't get what I was saying.

" We made love yesterday and you tell me you love someone else?. Tell me what kind of love is that?. A love that allows you to moan some one else's name?, " he scoffed and the adrenaline rushing through my veins increased.

" You have no right to question our love, Luke. You have no idea what is going on between me and Israel, it's our own place and no one interferes even you, " I hissed.

" Israel, "

" That's what he's called?. Is he another professor you deceived and plan to ruin, just like you did to me?, " I stumbled back in shock.

" I won't let you ruin him, like you ruined me, Cassandra, " he forcefully grabbed my arm.

"What the, " my blood run cold as he tried it to take me out of the apartment.

" Luke, don't touch me!, where the hell are you taking me!, " I hit and scratched him.

" Away. Like I should have done, in the first place. "

" No, no,  let go off me!, Luke take your hands away from me, " I grunted in pain as he dragged me. I threw my legs around the wooden floors as he continued to drag me on the floors.

" I don't want to go with you!, please stop this Luke. This isn't fucking right!,"  I screamed, suddenly he paused. I cried when he took a handful of my hair and pulled me up to stand.

" Everything is right!, "he yelled.

" LET HER FUCKING GO!,"  I was released and landed on the hard floors with as thud.  I groaned and stared at Israel standing, his shadow cast over, Luke with a bruised face.

" No one, touches my woman or any woman without her permission," he hissed with so much anger. Luke rose from his position on the floor and faced Israel.

" She's mine, Cassandra tell him that!,"  I stared between the two.

" I was never yours," I answered.

" You heard her, now leave. If you plan on doing anything stupid then know know one thing. I'll make your life a living hell and trust me when I say I will." Israel closed the little gap between them. Luke smirked, in my direction.

" You're one vixen, " he said and walked away without another word. I ran into Israel's arms.

" I couldn't go to him. Israel I couldn't go to him even though you asked me to. " I hiccuped.

" I love you, Israel. I'm in love you."

" I touch you "

The Professor's Cassandra Where stories live. Discover now