6. Tears

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200. Thirty minutes was gone and I wasn't feeling comfortable because I needed to change my tampon. How was I going to do that. I could barely glance at him fully. Just stealing glances at him. He was busy grading our papers. His face straight as usual and his glasses rested perfectly on his slightly crooked nose.

" Concentrate, Miss Moreno, " I bit my lower lip. I needed to go to the bathroom. Like immediately.

" Can I use the bathroom professor?, " I voiced out finally. I signed defeated.

"Please?, " I added. He pointed to the door on his left side. I hurriedly walked to the door and rushed inside. I looked at myself in the mirror. My afro textured hair was in a messy bun but it still looked much messier. My thick brows were all over the place because I had rubbed my face so much. Luckily, I hated wearing makeup when I was on my period. Light or heavy. It was a no.

I looked through my bag. My face went pale at the realization. I left my spare tampons at our studio apartment. Jesus freaking Christ. I turned around sharply and my eyes widened. My brown denim skirt was stained with red mark. No-no-no---

I grabbed my phone and called Lucy. She really had to be kidding me. She wasn't picking up. I released a deep breath. I couldn't go out looking like this. What, what was I supposed to do?.

A light knock on the door nearly made me have a heart attack.

" Miss Moreno, are you okay?, " he asked calmly.

" I'm fine!, " I lied.

" Stop lying, do you need anything?, " he said firmly and I nearly wanted to cry.

" I forgot my fucking tampons at home and my dress is stained. " I burst into tears. God, why was I crying.

" Relax, do you know anyone who could bring them to you? ," I shook my head.

" Lucy isn't answering my calls, I --I--," I sniffled.

"Relax Miss Moreno, tell me what will be perfect for you?, " he asked with concern. The first ever emotion.

" I think I'd need a tampon, pad, anything ---and some new shorts, or something, " I wiped my tears.

" Wait here and try to relax, I'll be back in a few minutes. " I nodded and stomped my foot. I kept waiting, then I heard footsteps, approaching.

" Open the door ,Miss Moreno, " I hesitantly opened it, my face red and flushed. My gaze fell on the white little bag in his hand.

" I couldn't get a tampon but they had pads available, I hope this helps." he placed it in my hands. He wasn't looking at me weirdly. He was concerned. Genuinely concerned.
I took it and my eyes flitted to the other bag.

" I got you these too, I don't know if they are your size but they'll do. " he nodded at me.

" T--Thank you, Professor Mikhailov, " I said in a hushed voice.

" No need to,you go change, Miss Moreno."

I closed the door and internally screamed. This was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me.

But wait..... Did he actually go to a shop to buy pad?. Ok. Now maybe I was wrong about him.

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