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Tomura Shigaraki(Your Sensei Is A Bastard, Please Find A New Psuedo Father Figure)


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Is All Might slowing down? pt.5

This is just a short summary of my 'rambling' from the other parts, since you dumb fucks can't be bothered to read more than a paragraph before getting triggered and commenting:))

TL/DR: Based on which is CONFIRMED BY THE HPSC's official website as reliable source of information, All Might sightings have dropped drastically in the past year, and even more drastically in the past couple of months.

#happy?#fuckyouguys#allmight#conspiracyorfacts#seriouslyyoucouldjustgotothewebsiteandidberight#lastpart#stayinschoolkids ...See All

804 Notes


"—PROTECTING HIM?! ALL FOR ONE FUCKING MURDERED YOU GUYS AND YOU'RE JUST—" Sixth screams, about midway through their nightly rant.

Nine lounges on Eighth's throne, the shadowy silhouette of Eight in question permanently banished to the corner of the void. His eyes are closed as he lets Sixth's screams wash over him. At this point, he's used to the way their voice gets progressively higher the more they scream, and how they only stop when First deigns to step in. After all, the moment he goes to sleep, he's dragged to the void, and is immediately greeted by Sixth's dulcet tones.




He's tempted to completely stop sleeping at this point.


There it is.

He'd become the target of Sixth's wrathful screaming for the millionth time. To be fair, his decisions(rather, his lack of decision when it came to a certain supervillain) are the entire reason the Holders have been arguing.

If you can even call Sixth screaming at the others arguing.

Apparently, Sixth thought that causing everyone a headache and making the Holders collectively wish for their loss of hearing would magically make them 'see reason'. Even when First did bother trying to speak with Sixth, he was basically shouted over until he just gave up and retreated to his throne, a pensive expression on his face.

The white haired boy cracks open an eye.

As usual, First was sitting on his throne, a thoughtful look in his eyes as Second and Third shield him with their bodies, effectively creating their own little bubble from the rest of the Holders. The other Holders were also trying to ignore Sixth, with varying degrees of success. Fourth has some sort of headphones in, but is eyeing the edge of the void with obvious longing. Beside him, Fifth is wearing a regretful grimace and his own set of headphones, his hand firmly gripping Fourth's arm and keeping him in place.

He's definitely regretting his choice of successor.

Nine purses his lips, glancing over at Nana. She's right beside him, having positioned her throne so she could intercept any physical attacks(if you can count them as that, since they're all ghosts with no physical bodies any more) with her own set headphones. He'd briefly wondered where they came from, but decided that some things were best left mysteries when he saw the manic gleam in Second's eye.

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