Changes(Have Been Made)

18 1 0

My hair is getting long.

Izuku huffs, blowing a curl out of his face. Unfortunately, he doesn't know anyone who knows how to cut curly hair properly(even his mom couldn't, having given up once he was nine and leaving him to his own devices), and he's not allowed off campus, so he's off to borrow hair clips from Mina, who has a similar hair type to him. Hopefully, her stuff won't get caught in his hair like the hair clips he'd tried to borrow from his mom.

Carefully, he knocks on Mina's door and waits. He hears a murmuring from inside, and shifts, wondering if he should just ask in the morning.

The door cracks open, and Mina peers out, looking suspicious. When he meets her eyes, he smiles sheepishly.

"Hey...I was wondering if I, borrow hair ties or hair clips from you? My hair is getting kind of long, and it's annoying to push it out of my face all the time."

She blinks, then a grin spreads across her face as she opens the door a little wider.

"Really? You're not going to cut it?"

Izuku shrugs, suddenly picking up the sound of someone whispering in Mina's room.

"Is this a bad time? I can come back later if--"

"Nope! You're good. Why don't you come in? I'll grab some stuff for you!" She opens the door and gestures for him to come in.

"Ah, thanks." The green haired boy steps into the open door, eyes zeroing on on the other five girls in the room, who wear pajamas and have their hair in completely different styles than normal. He looks away, fingers twitching as Mina moves around him to close the door.

It's fine, you know these people. They won't hurt you. This isn't a trap.

"No problem!" She cheers, appearing right next to his left shoulder.

He jumps, but gives her a polite smile and starts looking over the colorful room, avoiding the pile of girls, sweets, and various beauty products in the corner. It isn't any of his business, and he didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

As she disappears into her closet, he shifts, tugging down the sleeve on his compression shirt a little further. This one was a little shorter sleeved than his other ones, and sometimes his tattoo would peek out. He doesn't want to deal with reactions like All Might's and Mom's again.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka calls, and he has to repress a flinch, because that name and small, enclosed spaces don't mix well, in his experience. Fingers pressed to his wrist, he looks over at the group of girls with a faint smile.

"Hey Uraraka. How are you?"

She smiles, and the other girls watch the interaction, even as Hagakure curls Tsuyu's hair.

"Good! We've been painting our nails, see?" She holds out her hand for him, and he peers at it, his eyebrows raising at the sight of tiny white drawings and gems on her nails.

"Wow! That's really cool. Whoever did that must have a really steady hands." Izuku says.

The smell of nail polish kind of reminds me of when Himiko would paint my nails...

"It was actually Tsu! She's so amazing, isn't she? I still can't believe how detailed she did them!"

He smiles, looking over to Tsu, who looks slightly more pink than normal as her lips curl into a smile.

"Thanks, kero but you're all easy compared to my siblings. They always wiggle around, kero."

The girls giggle, and Izuku smiles along with them, silently wondering if Eri might want something like this.

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