Don't Bring Politics To The Dinner Table!(This House Is A Fucking Nightmare)

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Izuku flexes his fingers, noting the distinct lack of pain or cold or...anything, really. It's disconcerting, to say the least.

So All For One has some sort of pain nullification Quirk.

But wouldn't that be dangerous? Not being aware of the severity of your own injuries could lead to aggravating them to the point of death. That's why going into shock is so dangerous.

He must have a Quirk to detect his injuries or overall body health, then.


He blinks, looking over to see the orange and white cat from yesterday squeezing through the crack in his door. Azuki, though he doesn't remember anyone specifically telling him her name, is fairly nice. He's also pretty sure Jiji and her are All For One's cats, but he has no intention of confirming that with the man.

After he'd proclaimed his apathy towards the two hundred year old man, he'd proceeded to ignore All For One until he left the room, both of his cats in Izuku's lap and a neutral expression on his face. Shigaraki was quick to follow, and Kurogiri disappeared into the kitchen for the rest of the evening. The other League members tried to ask him about it, but he'd changed the subject each time, and they eventually gave up.

A furry head bumps against his head, and Azuki lets out a low purr as he scratches right behind her ear. The kitten in his lap squirms at the sound, poking it's head out of it's nest of blankets to see the older cat.


His lips twitch, and he starts petting Jiji again, much to Azuki's annoyance.

"I can give you both attention at the same time." He mutters as the cat nips at his fingers.

That confirms the pain nullification theory.

Izuku carefully extracts his hand from the cat, using his dress shirt to wipe away the drops of blood from his already healed finger. It smears a bit, but Azuki doesn't try to bite him when he offers his hand to her again. Instead, she ignores it and curls up right beside him.

He sighs, dropping his hand and looking out the window. Fluffy white clouds drift across the bright blue sky, and bare tree branches stretch upwards.


The white haired boy's chest clenches.

He'd left her at UA, with no idea if he was alive or dead. The guilt he'd been suppressing creeps back, gnawing at his heart. He wishes that he'd had time to think things through, to explain things to her—hell, he wishes he could explain things to Shouto and Hitoshi before just...leaving. But he didn't, too consumed by panic and worry that he didn't even say goodbye, or tell her that everything was going to be alright.

And now...

He's sharing a living space with All Might's worst enemy, and said living space is owned by someone who's Quirk he took in a fit of rage and desperation, with two separate people's memories clouding his reasoning. He might be more durable now that he has access to All For One's Quirks, but Eri definitely isn't.

Then again, UA isn't much better. This is his second disappearance this year, and there's bound to be questions if he goes back, especially considering Jirou's hearing and the timing with the destruction of Deika City. But Shouto and Hitoshi could only do so much, and if Eri hasn't already been passed on to one of the staff members, she probably will be soon. Or worse, considering how hard Nezu was pushing to figure out what her Quirk is.

Izuku grimaces, fingers twisting in the covers tightly as he remembers the deal he made to keep Eri on campus.

I can't just leave her there.

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