In Hindsight(This Probably Was A Bad Idea)

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"Dad, where are we going?" Eri asks, her hand tight in Izuku's.

The green haired boy smiles and tugs up his hood. After yesterday's events, his face is all over the Internet, and despite being pretty plain, he doesn't want to draw any attention to them.

"It's a surprise, honey."

She lights up at the word—because Izuku's surprises are always the best!—and she half-skips, half-walks as they exit UA's side gate.

"What kind of surprise?" The little girl asks, voice taking on an almost pouty tone as they walk side-by-side down the sidewalk.

"A special one!"

Despite her extremely cute pouting face, he doesn't give her any hints.

A short while later, they board the train. He guides her through the crowded train-car and to an empty seat, carefully setting her on his lap. He'd done some research last night, and apparently Kanagawa Prefecture is home to one of the busiest seaside malls on this side of Japan. Plus, it has a bunch of bakeries, so he can find stuff to fit the long, odd list of dietary requirements Yanagi sent him.

It's also busy enough for him to lose the person Nezu sent to watch him. Don't get him wrong, he's still terrified of the rat, but he's not going to let Nezu get away with stalking him like this. It makes his skin crawl, despite only catching glimpses of grey out of the corner of his eye. Sighing, he rests his head against the window.

I'll just deal with it covertly, and then I'll never have to talk to Nezu again. That's possible, right?

Honestly, every time he looked at Nezu he felt like having a heart attack. Here he was, still enrolled in UA despite being disrespectful to the principal more than once. He's terrified of teachers, and yet, he'd done it. Talked back to the teacher. And after threatening him on live television? Well, Izuku basically collapsed after he'd found a nice, dark corner to hyperventilate in.

I can feel past me's disappointment growing by the day.

He huffs, flexing his stiff fingers absentmindedly. With the colder weather, he has a feeling he'll be commissioning some sort of gloves from Yanagi soon. If they'd deign to make him anything else.

What did Kaminari even do to make an entire department hostile towards all of the first years in the Heroics Course?

Izuku doesn't know, and he has the feeling he won't be finding out from Yanagi or their classmates any time soon.

Maybe I could text Kaminari?

No, he doesn't have the blonde's number, and asking him on the class group chat would be weird. Wouldn't it? He wouldn't know. He's never been in a group chat before, much less three different ones.

I'll ask Kaminari when I get back.


"Hey man, are you coming to grab Bakubro from the infirmary with me?"

Kaminari sneezes violently, making his hair stand on end from static shock before grinning and sending Kirishima a thumbs up.

"Yup! He got pretty roughed up, didn't he?"

"Uhuh, he took a katana to the shoulder and didn't even scream. So manly." A tear of admiration trickles Kirishima's cheek as he waits for Kaminari to tie his shoelaces.


Eri's eyes sparkle with awe as she presses her face to the glass, watching at the glittering sea from the train window.

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