Surprises(Aren't Always Good)

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"Dad! Look! We match!" Eri smiles, holding out her red boots and red mittens for him to see as he tugs on his shoes.

His heart melts at her smile, and he returns it with a genuine one of his own.

"We do!"

"So you like them?" Shouto appears out of nowhere, winding a green scarf around his neck awkwardly.

"Yes!" She replies excitedly, then goes on to tell him about how the laces on the boots tighten without having to make a bunny knot like the other ones.

He finishes putting on his shoes and throws on his coat, then checks the time.

Good, we have enough time to walk.

"Morning Midoriya!" Sero calls, waving his hand at the green haired boy as he heads into the kitchen for breakfast. He'd gotten friendlier after the training exercise, as had a few other members of the class.

"Morning Sero!" He calls, then turns back to Shouto and Eri.

"Have you seen Hitoshi?"

"He texted and said that he had an early morning training session with Sensei to make up for the one he missed." Shouto says, adjusting the bag on his shoulder.

Shit, where's my bag?

The green haired boy whips around, then spots it sitting beside the shoe rack.

It's pretty beat up.

The yellow color is faded, the straps are frayed, and it still has burn marks from middle school. Come to think of it, he's pretty sure that he hasn't had a new backpack since the fifth grade...

"Izuku, we need to go now."

He jumps, then nods and grabs the bag, moving to offer his hand to Eri, only to realize that she's holding Shouto's hand already.

Izuku covers his smile with his jacket, turning to the door and holding it open for the pair.

"Let's go."


He nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears Midnight cackle loudly mere feet away from him. The entire classroom turns towards the sound, not expecting the gremlin-like noise to come from the mouth of a woman that looked so eloquent.

"Miss Midnight?" Yaoyorozu asks, clearly hesitant to interrupt the teacher's amusement.

The blue haired hero clears her throat and composes herself, then looks up at class 1-A, amusement still sparkling in her eyes.

"Alright my darlings, we have a small change of plans. Everyone, pull up HeroNews."

Izuku pulls out his phone, wondering what could've made his teacher laugh like that. Typically, anything like that was out of character for the persona she exuded for hero work, and breaking it in front of anyone was a big issue as far as marketing went...

He nearly bursts into laughter when he sees the big red banner at the top of his screen.


When he clicks on it, the main photo is of Endeavor, clearly furious, setting fire to a crate while a sidekick attempts to get in the way of the shot.

All around the classroom, people are laughing and Denki and Sero's cackling is the loudest of them all.

Carefully, Izuku sets his phone down and turns around, making eye contact with Hitoshi.

The purple haired boy doesn't say anything, just covers his mouth with his hand, hiding an amused smile with a hint of fear in his eyes. He gives the boy a wink, then looks past Sero and Denki—both rolling on the floor with laughter—to Shouto.

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