Protect(The Things You Love) Pt.2

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Sir Nighteye steps out of his car, eyeing the front gates of UA with no small amount of wariness. Being called in to talk to his old principal was always interesting, but this time, it had to do with a cold case he'd been forced to drop a month ago. He isn't sure what to expect, and to top it all off, All Might is on grounds, and he's itching to talk to the other hero. They hadn't spoken since he'd attempted to show All Might a potential candidate for One For All, only to be told that his years of hard work were not needed, as the man had already found a successor.

And oh, how that made his blood boil. Two years of hard work and training a nigh impossible Quirk to perfection, wasted because All Might picked up some random child off of the streets. To top it all off, when he'd finally cooled down enough to ask about the successor, All Might had told him the brat had confronted him about All For One was refusing to talk to him.

Still, he stepped forwards, using his visitor's pass and briskly making his way across UA grounds. Once he finishes his meeting with Nezu, he'll find All Might and have a discussion with him about dealing with children.


"Why don't you walk with me, Mirai? The weather won't be this pleasant for much longer." Nezu says, slipping off of his chair and smiling at Sir Nighteye.

The green haired man nods and elegantly gets to his feet, turning to follow the furry principal out of his office. They walk in silence for a few minutes, but Sir Nighteye's impatience gets the best of him eventually.

"So, what information did you uncover about my cold case? I assume it's significant if you called me to UA."

Nezu's ears twitch at his voice, but he waits a minute before responding, paws neatly tucked behind his back.

"Yes. You see, two months ago, we had a first year student go missing for three weeks."

Sir Nighteye frowns, wondering what this has to do with his case. But he waits, because rushing Nezu only makes things worse for you in the long run.

"No one was quite sure where he went, but his room showed signs of him packing up a bag to leave. It was ruled out as a kidnapping, but no one was sure what could've happened to him. When he was found, it was in the middle of a mall in broad daylight. He showed no physical signs of trauma, and but was unresponsive for another week, and was eventually released from the hospital with a clean bill of health. His mother agreed to allow him to stay in the student dorms, but he remained mostly unresponsive and silent."

The principal stops, and their footsteps echo through the silent halls as Sir Nighteye processes the information, desperately trying to connect it to his case, but coming up with nothing.

"A month ago, there was a little girl left at UA's gates. She was looking for the boy who went missing, citing that Overhaul asked her to take care of him. He admitted to knowing who she was talking about, and offered to take care of her until I could find legal papers for her."

The green haired man even footsteps falter as he hears the principal's words, and he stops, eyebrows furrowed.

"How would a first year know about the leader of a powerful Yakuza group? And why did he offer to take care of the child?"

Nezu keeps walking, prompting Sir Nighteye to follow, though dozens of questions are racing through his mind.

Could this be the key to why the Eight Precepts of Death suddenly ceased all operations and disappeared off of the face of the earth? Why Overhaul suddenly started attending college, of all things?

"I'm not sure of the first question, but he seemed to be concerned about the girl's safety, and said that placing the girl anywhere other than UA might put her in danger. Given your knowledge of Overhaul, does this seem like something he might do?"

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