Stitches(Don't Fix Everything)

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The bar is pretty empty tonight. It's only Shigaraki and Kurogiri. The others are out on a mission and Twice is taking a mental health day. Good for him, he's been seeming more stressed lately.

He'd given up on playing the first person shooter game and just sprawled on the couch, watching Shigaraki die for the fifth time this hour. Kurogiri seems nonplussed by the stream of curse words that leave the scarred man's lips, and Izuku just smiles, used to it.


He's...used to it. He's used to being around Shigaraki and Kurogiri and the others. He's used to their rants about how terrible society is and nodding at points he agrees on. He's used to offering Toga his blood and Kurogiri's constant state of disapproval and Magne's brightly colored drinks and Twice's personalities and Dabi's staples and Mr. Compress' magic tricks and Spinner's Stain worship. It makes him feel light, his thoughts of All Might and One For All banished. They don't call him names he doesn't like or expect impossible things from him.

Sighing, he sits up, waiting for Shigaraki to calm down a little more before leaning over and picking up a strategy game from the stack beside the couch. The blue haired man doesn't complain, just huffs and leans back onto the couch, stretching out like a lanky, underfed cat.

The opening music starts, and Izuku picks up the second controller and clicks start. An hour later, Shigaraki is cursing for another reason entirely.

"How the fuck did you find that?! I could've sworn the site was empty."

"I don't know how you missed it. The graphics were super obvious. All of the statues are facing it, and the bricks are raised in the shape of a door, see?" He points at the screen, zooming in a little.

Shigaraki leans in, eyes narrowed as he stared at the screen.

"I still don't see it."


A phone goes off, making him jump. After checking his own(he wasn't going to give his mother another heart attack by not responding, he learned his lesson the first time), and determining it isn't his, he looks over to Shigaraki, who's looking at Kurogiri.

A portal forms by the door, and Izuku watches with raised eyebrows as Spinner hauls ass through it, nearly stumbling over his own feet. He's covered in a weird powdery substance and his weapons are crusted with blood, which the student pointedly ignores. Mr. Compress is close behind, fancy mask cracked and his gloves missing. Magne is next, looking distressed. Finally, Dabi sprints through, skidding to a stop right before he hits the bar. In his arms is Toga. She's limp and there's a blade without a handle in her shoulder. There's blood. Way too much of it. It must've hit an artery. She could bleed out in minutes without medical treatment.


They all start talking at once, but Izuku ignores them, going to Toga's side and examining her shoulder. Yeah, that blade definitely nicked an artery. Face pale, he turns to Kurogiri, who seems the calmest. Whether or not its because of his Quirk is to be determined.

"Kurogiri, do you have a first aid kit?"

The misty man flickers, then bends down and grabs a white box from under the bar and hands it to him.

"Give me the cheapest vodka you have too." He instructs, gesturing for Dabi to follow him.

Shigaraki is shooed off of the couch, grumbling about blood stains. Izuku ignores him, watching Dabi set her down and accepting the bottle of vodka that warps in front of him. Once's she's laying down, he takes off his hoodie and balls it up, pressing it around the wound, trying to stem of the blood while opening up the first aid kit. Searching inside it, he notices—

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