Take That(Into Consideration)

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"How's everything going?" He asks, watching Hatsume work on a giant robot that the rest of the class seemed to be doing as well. She seems pretty bored with it, though.

Powerloader must've restricted her to doing the actual class project again.

After the incident at the USJ(which he has been repressing for days, because he doesn't want to deal with that can of worms), Eri had been quieter than usual, although she kept her hand tight around Izuku's at all times.

Today, he'd had to leave her at the dorms(because nothing in the Support Course classroom could be trusted to not explode with Hatsume there), which had made her sad. He'd promised her that they'd cook together when he got back, though, which seemed to cheer her up a little bit, but she still had a forlorn look in her eyes when she said goodbye to him.

"Its going great! I'm working on the rings right now--you know, finding the right material for them was hard, but then this girl with a ponytail came in and offered to supply me with material if I'd teach her about my babies, so of course I said yes and she looked really happy and she gave me sooooo much good material I can't wait to make babies with and I think I might be in love! Is this what love feels like? Oh, who knows, but I'm getting her in on Hatsume Industries before we graduate! She'll make a great addition to my business."

So she met Yaoyorozu.

He smiles, leaning over the greasy desk to peer into the guts of the robot she's working on.

"Yeah, I recommended she came here to train her Quirk. I'm glad you two got along."

Hatsume beams at him, teeth perfectly white despite the soot covering her face.

"And for the other babies you requested, the gloves are done--they're pretty and functional, but I have no idea why you'd only want two fingers covered--ANYWAY! I'm also almost done with the main one, but man, modifying it from those weird blueprints was annoying! Other than that, I had a good time figuring out how it worked. Where'd you get those blueprints from, anyway?"

"Ah, it was a screenshot from an old pre-Quirk show. Sorry about the quality."

Hatsume nods and grins, practically vibrating in place as she leans into the robot with a pair of what look like industrial tweezers and messing with it. A shower of sparks bathe her arms, but she doesn't flinch back, just shoving her head further into the robot. When she starts muttering about Powerloader limiting her creative freedom, he takes it as his cue to leave. He doesn't want to be in the way of an angry Hatsume, that sounds more terrifying than being used as a test subject for her 'experimental' babies. Honestly, Izuku feels bad for the hero. He has no idea what's coming for him.


Izuku stretches and yawns, flopping back on to the floor like a limp noodle before getting to his feet. He needs to meet with Yanagi again today, and he'll need to get there right after class.

The rest of the day is spent breezing through his classes, with Eri drawing right beside him. He's been teaching her to read recently, and she seems to enjoy it. Yesterday, she even got through an entire storybook by herself. His lips twitch at the memory of her surprised joy as he packs up for the day.

His classmates are quickly filing out of the classroom, but he's taking his time, thinking about his last visit to the Costume Department.

"Eri, I'm going to go back to that place with a lot of windows. It's probably going to be pretty boring though, so if you want, I can drop you off with Hitoshi or Todoroki. I'm sure they'd be happy to watch a movie with you while I'm gone."

(How To)Forgive and ForgetHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin