Care(Can Be Shown In Many Ways)

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"Yes, Yanagi?"

"You said you had a costume malfunction." They narrow their pale grey eye at him, radiating such annoyance that it takes him a moment to respond.

"...I did."

"This isn't a costume malfunction!" They exclaim, gesturing at the green jumpsuit on their large, ever messy desk.

"It isn't?" Izuku asks, eyebrows furrowed. He still wasn't sure how the terminology for costume design worked, especially since it's a very...exclusive industry, which makes it hard to find information online.

"You completely shredded the sleeve and midsection of a jumpsuit specifically made for strength Quirks, Midoriya." Yanagi says, exasperation coloring their tone.

The green haired boy winces and looks down at the costume, half wishing he'd just sent them a picture of the ripped suit instead of asking to visit them blindly.


Yanagi sighs.

"Whatever. It isn't your fault the big costume companies didn't tailor this to your specific requirements. They're more focused on quantity over quality, anyway." They wave him off and turn back to their workspace, rummaging through the piles of fabric and empty energy drink cans.

"Why?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

Before Yanagi can answer his question, a person with blue hair from the table in front of them spins around in their chair, looking like they're about to fall off of it.

"To keep their reputations as UA's special costume companies intact, duh!"

"What he said." They confirm.

Oh. That makes sense, considering the past history of the fashion industry.

Before he can go down that train of thought, he turns back to Yanagi, who holds up a Best Jeanist plushie with a bunch of needles in it triumphantly.

Do they hate him or something?

He refrains from asking, instead taking the safer route.

"...So, do you think you can fix it?"

"And have that fabric rip as soon as you use your Quirk again?" The blue haired boy scoffs, twirling around in his chair like a hyperactive squirrel as it squeaks dangerously.

Seriously, how is he not worried about falling?

"Ryoto is right. I'm going to have to make it from scratch with the fabric Sensei made for Villain Day, otherwise this is going to keep happening."

That doesn't sound fun.

It's getting cold enough that mobility will be an issue if his costume rips every time he uses anything close to All Might's strength. And seeing as the moment he went back to Foundational Heroics, he was forced to use it to destroy a building and save two people from being crushed, he didn't want to take his chances with a suit that would rip easily.

"You're right."

"Of course I am. Now hand me the case and tell me what modifications you want me to make." They command.

He reaches down and hands the empty silver case to them, eyes fixed the tattered costume spread across their desk, the gears in his mind turning.

"Could, take off the two ears on the hood? I don't them."

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