Villain Day(And All That Ensues) Pt.3

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Darkness surrounds him, comforting him. No one can find him in the dark. No one can hurt him in the dark.

Every breath is a death rattle, and his chest aches.

I'm sorry.

I can't–

He gasps, trying to breathe, but he can't, he's choking on air–

I can't do this–

His scars burn, like they were made yesterday instead of years and years and years ago and why can't I breathe

"Nope. You're stuck with us now."


"We're kind of like strays. You give us a little affection and attention, and bam! You have permanent asshole friends."


"Indeed. No one here will blame you for something out of your control."

Mr. Compress...

Come on, kid. Get up.

"I can't...I'm not-not strong enough." He whispers, voice hoarse.



You said you'd win.

"I did..." He admits, throat dry.

So get up. They're waiting for you.

Images of the League flash through his mind. Toga hugging him. Magne's stories. Kurogiri's subtle words of encouragement. Twice talking to him after a nightmare. Dabi tattooing him. Shigaraki wrapping an arm around him. Spinner hovering over him. Mr. Compress showing him magic tricks.

...That's right.

They're waiting for him. He left with no explanation. He hadn't even said goodbye. And...he'd told Eri that she'd meet them. He couldn't...couldn't break his promise.

They're waiting for me.


"Oh my god, what happened?!" Mina says, propping up Tokoyami with wide eyes.

The bird headed boy winces at the movement, his sides throbbing from crashing into a particularly large piece of rubble when the foul villain had thrown him away from the fight. Dark Shadow hadn't been able to absorb all of the impact, and combined with his earlier head injury, it's hard to even think, much less move.

"There' intruder. They–cough–are fighting our comrades. We must find them before they commit any more nefarious deeds..."

Mina's eyes widen behind her black helmet.

"Seriously? How did they even get in?"

" not know. But you must hurry. They're very–cough–"

"Ve ry h ar d t o fi g ht! Th ey us ed our w eak ne ss t o li ght ag ain st u s. A ss h ol e." Dark Shadow pipes up, peeking out from underneath Tokoyami's dark cloak.

Mina frowns.

"Are you sure you're okay with being left here? What if they target you because you're alone and injured?"

"T he y're c urr e n tl y f i gh ti n g U ra rak a, T od or ok i, an d Bak ug o u, s o w e s ho u ld be fi ne, bu t th e y'l l nee d re inf orc e m en ts t o wi n."

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