Care(Too Little, Too Late)

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"Midoriya." Aizawa walks over at the green haired boy, who looks marginally better than the day before. He still has a lot of questions about what his relationship with All Might is and why he looked so...empty yesterday, but the boy had just barely started to speak again, and interrogating him wouldn't do any good.

The boy in question looks up at him from his spot beside Shinsou, who seems determined to casually invade his personal space at every second of the day(another thing Aizawa has questions about, especially since it's nigh impossible to gain his protege's trust or friendship).

"Would you like to sit out weapons training today?"

Aizawa watches with no small amount of disturbed awe as the freckled boy's expression flattens into the blankest look he's ever seen. That kind of poker face on a child is absolutely terrifying, if only because the experiences that someone would have to go through to perfect something so...emotionless.

Maybe I should look into his file...

"I'll be fine, Sensei."

The erasure hero hesitates, gaze flicking over to Shinsou(who looks like he's trying to tell him not to talk anymore), then back to Midoriya.

"Okay. Just let me know if you need a break at any point."


"Have you noticed Midoriya is training with the second years? And he's actually keeping up with them. It's kind of insane." Cementoss comments offhandedly while grading papers.

Instantly, Aizawa's head shoots up, and he zeroes in on his fellow teacher.

"He what."

The other man feels a chill go up his spine, and he holds his hands up defensively.

"He's training with the second years? I mean, he said he got approval from a first year teacher..."

And just like that, Aizawa's attention is on Vlad King, who looks nonplussed by the other hero's death stare.

"He said he wanted more work."

The erasure hero sighed and slumped back into his chair, looking over to Midnight, who looks just as worried as he feels. Both of them had witnessed just how...wrong he'd acted after talking to All Might, and hearing that the kid asked for extra work is worrying. At this rate, he'll burn out before he even reaches his second year.


Izuku takes a hit to the head from a burly second year with a panther Quirk because he doesn't dodge fast enough, then passes out.


"Daigoro, you need to listen to me." His voice is urgent as he holds his beloved successors hand.

"But Master, you--"


The buzzed man above him looks on the verge of tears, and there's an angry, almost defiant glint in his eyes.

"I've had One For All for twenty years, and I've studied it the entire time, because I didn't want my successor to be in the dark like I was."

His successor sniffs, visibly stopping himself from interrupting. Ah, how much he'd grown in five years. Even his annoying personality had become endearing, after a time.

"One For All has been hard on my body, and I think I have a theory as to why. Now, I don't have much evidence to back this up because I'm the first holder to live past their twenties, as far as I know, but I know that I won't be alive much longer. One For All is yours now, and it's abandoned me. I spent years cultivating it, and inside, I saw the truth."

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