It's The Little Things(That Give You A Fucking Heart Attack)

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Kurogiri is in the middle of his nightly cleaning ritual when he feels it. An inexplicable tug in his gut, a hint that something is about to go wrong.

He pauses wiping down the glass, head lifting to look around the bar.

It's mostly empty, since Dabi, Spinner, and Toga had been sent out on a mission the other night(a preparation for Sensei's plans) and have yet to return. Tomura is currently in his room, and Magne had said something about a date earlier in the evening as she left.

That leaves Mr. Compress and Twice. Both of which don't cause any sort of trouble for him unless talked into it. He sighs.

It must be Tomura.

The bartender flickers slightly, eyes narrowing in displeasure at his spotless bar. He'd just finished mopping the floors, and he didn't really feel like dealing with the residual dust and missing items that were the direct result of his charge's tantrums.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do about it now. The feeling was never on time to stop the catalyst of the chaos that was sure to come, but it was early enough that he could preemptively hide some of his nicer things. He'd been meaning to ask Sensei for some new shot glasses...

He sets the glass down and gets to work. It'll be any time now.

Mere seconds later, he hears Tomura wail, a high pitched, raspy sound that makes the hair under his mist prickle.

The misty man hadn't heard him make a noise like that since he was a child.

Kurogiri immediately opens a portal in Tomura's room, only to find his charge sprawled on the floor, a phone on the speaker as he foams at the mouth, red eyes wide and unseeing.

"Tomura?! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

A familiar voice crackles from the phone, and he gingerly checks to make sure Tomura is alive before responding.

"Yes, Izuku. Tomura is quite alright, though he seems to be in shock."

There's a long, heavy silence as Kurogiri stares at the phone and hopes that his disapproval can be felt through the device. It must work, because there's a defeated sigh from the other end of the line.

"...Yeah, I just introduced him to my daughter and I guess he didn't handle it well."

Kurogiri's mist pauses, not a wisp moving out of place as he processes the boy's words and nonchalant tone.

Oh. That's why Tomura is in shock.


Izuku yawns widely, arms wrapped tightly around Eri's sleeping form in his lap. It had taken well into the early hours of the morning to explain that he did, in fact, have a daughter. And that she was not biologically his. That didn't seem to make it better, and raised more than a few questions over how, exactly, he'd procured a child while on UA grounds.

Thankfully, once Eri spoke up to whisper out a quiet 'Hi' during a pause in the conversation, they'd believed him. And then Shigaraki had started talking to her about video games, which she definitely didn't understand but tried to relate to with movies, which led to the discovery that Shigaraki has never seen a Disney movie(disgraceful, and Izuku will remedy that issue as soon as possible), and then the phone was handed to Kurogiri, who immediately told him to buy a certain brand of stain remover and strongly hinted towards it being able to clean out chemical stains(which, honestly, he does not want to think about how the misty man learned that).

In short, he and Eri had stayed awake far too late, and he was ready to go back to the dorms and get to bed as early as possible.

Unfortunately, he needs to meet up with Yanagi(they'd texted him to visit after his classes were done in a vaguely threatening and ominous way), and Snipe has been watching him a little closer than usual during class today. So he won't be getting sleep any time soon.

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