A Little Planning(Will Go A Long Way)

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"As you all know, UA's annual Villain Day is coming up. The majority of the prior week will have guest speakers on topics such as Villain Psychology and Reasoning. Then, on the last day, there will be a free for all fight within each year, in which you present yourselves as the villain you create and write about. You'll be spending the next two weeks writing about your 'villain' persona. Come up with a backstory, fighting style, motivations, and a costume. Feel free to get creative."

"Sensei!" Mina raises her hand, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, Ashido?"

"How will we create our villain costumes? I saw other kids that had them last year, but nobody ever said where they came from!"

"Fill out a form and send it to one of the costume companies that help out UA, or go to our Costume Department. The form will be faster than direct contact, since they have more people to work on your costume, but companies may take liberties that could be prevented if you went with out Costume Department. Please remember to stick to your story, though. We'll be posting them on UA's public website as part of the event."

"SENSEI!" Kaminari practically jumps out of his seat to get Aizawa's attention.

"...Yes, Kaminari?"

"Is it true we get a whole week off of school with no make-up work AND a monetary prize if we win?"

Izuku pauses, attention peaked at Kaminari's question.

"Yes. The monetary prize changes each year, but the one week off of school is a prize, so—"

A week off of school, no questions asked, and money to buy a burner phone...

He twitches.

I could contact the League...maybe even meet up with them.

But...he's seen Villain Day before. It's basically a free-for-all between the heroics courses of each year, and extremely difficult to win. Fighting against forty different kids with drastically different Quirks and a lot of pent up aggression...its going to be difficult. He's going to need a plan.

Thankfully, he's always been good at planning.

I'm going to win Villain Day, and I'm going to go home.

In front of Izuku, Bakugou grins, his own plan forming in his head.


"Hello, I'm looking for Mei Hatsume?" He looks at Powerloader, who tenses as soon as he utters the girl's name.


"Call the devil and she shall appear." One of the people working beside the doorway mutters, which Izuku does his best to pretend he didn't hear.

"Oh, it's Mr. Ten Million! Did you come back for my wonderful babies?!" She grins up at him, right in his personal space. It's uncomfortable, but he's not going to be rude, since she's the only mechanic he knows.

(Plus, he's pretty sure her morality is flexible at best.)

"Yes. Could we talk in private?"


There are practically stars in her eyes by the time he's done requesting the things he'll need.

"And in exchange, I'll show everything off at Villain Day. Publicity for you, Support items for me. What do you think?"

"YES! ABSOLUTELY!" She grins, looking like she just shotgunned ten energy drinks at once.

He grins back, and they finalize the plans before he leaves. He'd left Eri with Hitoshi, and he didn't want to keep her waiting too long.

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