Overworked(And Well Paid)

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"'Zuku! You're here!" Toga squeals and hurls herself onto his lap, a big grin on her face(she does this often enough that he's used to the physical contact, though he knows better than to not be on guard. Toga's hugs are always punctuated by knives far too close to his vitals).

Izuku smiles and deflects her knife to his gut, carefully wrapping his arms around the girl in greeting.

"Hey Himiko!"

"Is that the bush? Here on a school night? Naughty boy." Magne says, plopping herself down in the barstool beside him.

"Hey kiddo! Goodbye, brat."

"Hi Magne, Twice! How was your day?"

They proceed to tell him about a fight they'd gotten into where Twice panicked and chucked a shaken soda can at the feet of two people trying to pin Toga down and effectively blinded both of them. Toga cackles about the surprised looks on the people's faces, and Magne laughs as she recounts Twice's apologies to said people. Both lament over the fact that they didn't take pictures, and by the end of it, Izuku feels the tension leave his body.

This. This is what he wants. Easy conversation, funny stories, and laughter. No destiny or legacy or Symbol or All Might was Quirkless.

It's perfect.


"Kurogiri, do you need help with anything?" Izuku peeks through the kitchen doors warily.

The last time Twice tried to enter the kitchen, he was nearly decapitated by knives falling from portals in the ceiling. Most of the League steer clear of the kitchen while Kurogiri is cooking.
Though, it's probably best for everyone involved. As far as Izuku can tell, the misty man is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to food and drink preparation. Still, he's not going to sit around uselessly while he's staying here, that would be impolite.

"I'm alright—" Kurogiri cuts himself off when he realizes who he's talking to. Slowly, he turns around, carefully eyeing the green haired child with something akin to hope blossoming in his chest.

Could it be...a competent kitchen assistant?

Unaware of Kurogiri's thoughts, sweat drips down Izuku's back at the misty man's scrutiny. Was he going to get decapitated? Dropped into the ocean? Or worse?

"...There are pre-washed vegetables on the cutting board. Wash your hands, then cut them evenly." Kurogiri commands, pointing towards the countertop. He will observe closely. If the boy has no aptitude in the kitchen, then he can always teleport him to the couch.

The green haired boy nods, then heads over to the sink and washes his hands throughly, internally freaking out about Kurogiri's command and marveling his still living, yet-to-be-threatened status.

It takes a couple seconds for him to get use to the unfamiliar knife, but once he does, he cuts up the vegetables neatly and efficiently. Years of cooking with and for his overly anxious mother led to him picking up her extremely efficient cooking habits.

"I'm done!"

The misty man nearly sobs when he sees the nearly sliced vegetables organized in well separated piles across the board.

Tomura could never. Not with his disintegration Quirk and constant hyper vigilance to avoid accidentally destroying something important(not that he'd go anywhere near the kitchen; he'd learned his lesson after he disintegrated one of Kurogiri's good pans at the tender age of ten. It had taken Sensei a week and the promise of better cooking ware to calm him down).

As for the rest of the League, they were either disasters, or didn't want to help him.

(The one time Toga used the kitchen had led to half the knives missing, burned water, and blood splatters all over the walls. He asked her to make tea. Needless to say, he nearly warped her to another country after that incident, and she gained a healthy fear of the misty man.)

"...Kurogiri, are you okay?" Izuku asks, hesitantly.

"I'm fine. Would you rinse the meat and cutting it up as well?" Kurogiri asks.

(If he could cry, he would. He flickers happily, nonexistent lips twitching upwards as he watches the green haired boy go about the task with ease. Finally, someone competent and not intent on destroying his kitchen and his sanity.)

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