The Aftermath(Don't You Know That Your Actions Have Consequences?)

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Shocking: Massive Terrorist Attack Ends In Tragedy!

257 lives lost, 20,000 more injured in an unprecedented attack on Deika City

Last Wednesday at 5:43PM, Winged Hero: Hawks arrived to the scene of possibly the largest terrorist attack since All Might's rise to popularity. He...


Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose, elbows resting on one of the many papers scattered across his desk. His desk lamp casts a harsh glow over his messy desk, the only light in the near pitch black staff room.

His colleagues left hours ago, and he's left sitting alone in a dark room with a pounding headache and an overwhelming sense of disappointment.

A half-full cup of coffee rests on the corner of his desk, though it went cold a long time ago.

Some part of him wants to go to the teacher's dorms, to collapse on the couch and sleep like Hizashi had urged him to before he goes out for patrol tonight. But that would require being in the same building as All Might, and he doesn't have the energy to deal with the blonde idiot right now.

He sighs, reaching into one of his desk drawers and pulling out a bottle of eyedrops.

It's been a week.

A week of interviewing students, a week of talking with the police, a week of meeting with Nezu, a week of scrambling to piece together the little information they have to figure out what happened to Izuku Midoriya.

Jirou and Shouji were the first ones interviewed.

"He made two phone calls. One of them was with someone who sounded male, but I'm not too sure since it kept cutting out. They seemed like they were in danger, and they asked him to call a doctor?" Shouji recalls.

"I see. Do you remember anything else from the first phone call?"


Aizawa twitches, resisting the urge to start pacing as he watches his student talk to Detective Tsukauchi. It 'd taken two days to convince his superiors to let him step away from the high priority case he'd been working on, and his time here is limited enough that any pause in conversation grates on his nerves.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think in the first part I heard that someone got kidnapped. You should check with Jirou on that."

The detective nods, scribbling something down in his notebook as Nezu tilts his head, tail swishing as he listens to Shouji talk with a gleam in his eye.

The black haired man stares up at the ceiling, blinking to absorb the liquid into his strained eyes.

"Yeah, the person on the other line screamed out a phone number, and then the call cut off."

"That was when Midoriya started to get agitated, correct?"

"Mhm. His breathing was super fast and sort of irregular, and his heart rate was faster than normal. Plus his Quirk was doing that flashing thing." Jirou says, twirling her earjacks in her fingers.

"Do you remember the phone number?"

"I think so? The call was pretty staticky, but I'm pretty sure it was—"

His fingers trace over the cold plastic cover of his phone, eyes drifting to the small, crumpled piece of paper in the middle of his messy desk.

"Did you hear anything that happened during the second call?"

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