Return(Watch It Crash And Burn) Pt.1

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"Here." Kurogiri appears from a portal in the side of the stairs, the upper portion of his body sticking out in a way that might've been awkward for anyone else. Instead, the misty man makes it look easy and elegant.

The white haired boy blinks, then narrows his eyes.

This morning, he'd woken up to several members of the League of Villains hovering over him and Twice, whispering among themselves. He'd ignored them, hoping to get as much sleep as possible before his busy day, but then he'd caught sight of Kurogiri holding a camera and flickering in a satisfied way as he took pictures of them. Immediately, he'd lept off of the couch, cheeks hot with embarrassment as he dove into the kitchen and promptly collided with the half-open door, sending it crashing into the wall with a loud BANG that woke everyone else up.

The amused looks he'd gotten all morning were enough to send him rushing away from the breakfast table much earlier than he wanted.


He blinks again, shaking himself out of the embarrassing memory and focusing back on the box in Kurogiri's hands.

"What is it?"

"Clothes for today. Sensei said you'd need them."

The white haired boy twitches, doing his best to hide his grimace as he takes the box from the misty man's hands.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Kurogiri promptly disappears, and Izuku is left alone on the grand stairwell, trepidation swirling in his gut.


"Let's make a deal."

Izuku opens the box, peering inside. There's a pile of dark fabric and a white piece of paper sitting on top of it. He reaches in, lifting the paper up to read the scrawling handwriting that decorates the paper.

'Good luck.'

The white haired boy drops the note, letting it flutter to the floor as he lifts up the first piece of fabric, examining it.

It's a dark blue suit jacket around his size. He reaches in again, pulling out a matching pair of slacks and white button down. And there, in the bottom of the box, are a pair of black shoes and a black tie.

For a moment, he stares at the extremely nice contents of the box, half-wondering if he could get away with burning it. Izuku doesn't like suits, and he certainly doesn't like ties. They're annoying and restrictive, and they're far too similar to the UA uniform. Plus, tying a tie is difficult with damaged hands, and he never could get it quite right despite the number of 'how to tie a tie' videos cluttering his search history.

But...considering what he's going to do today, it's best if he looks as put together as possible. He looks down at the baggy clothing he's wearing, then at the suit, and his frown deepens.

Suit it is.

The white haired boy sighs and takes off his shirt, mind drifting to his conversation with All For One.

"No." He immediately dismisses the old man. He may not have personal experience with All For One, but he knows better than to make a deal with him.

"You haven't even heard what I had to say yet." The two hundred year old man complains, lips lifting upwards at his quick dismissal.

"I don't need to." He retorts, turning away. This conversation has already been weird enough, and he doesn't need to add more things to not think about to his already long list.

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