Changing(For Better or Worse)

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Iida breathes out deeply, following the woman conducting a breathing exercise in his ears as he rests in his dark room.

The past week had been...disconcerting, to say the least.

He's well aware that he's not the most perceptive in the class, but even he noticed the shift in the class dynamic. How couldn't he? Uraraka and Bakugou were silent and inattentive, and the rest of the class seemed to be uneasy as well.

All of this could be attributed to the events of Villain Day, of course. While Midoriya's abrupt personality change may have come as a surprise, Iida couldn't say that the green-haired boy's feral, bloodied grin was unfamiliar to him.

He'd seen it during Hosu, directed at Stain as the killer hovered over his paralyzed body, katana raised to strike—


Iida exhales.

As the class representative, it is his job to facilitate friendly conversation and allies among his classmates. He'd tried telling people to treat Midoriya normally, but seeing as it has been several days since he issued that announcement and nothing has changed, he must change tactics.

Maybe he should talk to Tensei.

He always seemed to have the answer to these sorts of things.


Iida inhales.

"Now, exhale."

Iida exhales and resolves to call his brother in the morning.


Jirou wakes up in the middle of the night to the tinny sound of someone shrieking. Annoyed, she turns over, pulling her pillow over her ears and huffing.

Unfortunately, this does jack shit, and she can still hear that person shrieking, though it seems more like words than earlier. It also sounds like a girl. But none of the girls from Class 1-A.

She tenses, earjacks sliding out from under the pillow and plugging into the wall.

Instantly, she's bombarded with the sound of Midoriya's rough laughter—which makes her jump—and someone shouting:


Jirou hisses at the volume before realizing that the tinny quality to the girl's voice is probably because they're on the speaker.

Midoriya is calling a girl?

Her eyebrows raise, nearly touching her forehead. Midoriya? Talking to a girl? He practically combusted when Uraraka approached him on the first day of school to thank him.

Maybe it's his sister?

Jirou frowns but unplugs her earjacks from the wall. It's none of her business. Besides, listening to Midoriya's sister scream at that volume will inevitably lead to a headache that she can't afford. Tomorrow is Present Mic's annual Pop Quiz Wednesday, and it's one of her better grades overall. She won't break her streak of perfect hundred scores over some dumb phone call.


Eri slows down as they walk down the mostly empty halls towards the dorms.

He slows his purposeful stride, quietly following her gaze to a second year with their back to them. They have long, green, intricately braided hair. He tilts his head, watching Eri's eyes sparkle with curiosity as she watches the second year duck into a classroom.

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