Reflection(And Confusion)

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Todoroki is a simple person. He was raised to be the weapon to defeat All Might in his father's place. He wasn't supposed to cry, or feel pain.

Endeavor doesn't like it when he shows emotion.

It was...a reminder, he supposes. That the weapon he's training is a living, breathing person.

Endeavor doesn't like much of anything, really.

He didn't like other heroes, or villains, or civilians, or Mother, or Natsuo, or Fuyumi. He didn't even like Touya until he burned alive in the flames Endeavor had given him. That, it seemed, was the way to garner Endeavors pity. Or guilt. He isn't sure.

Todoroki isn't sure about a lot of things.

When he'd told Midoriya about Endeavor, he'd felt like a huge weight had lifted off of his shoulders. Originally, he'd thought of the green haired boy as careless and overly enthusiastic, entirely unfit to be a hero by his father's standards. But as he'd told Midoriya about his situation, he'd seen a spark of...something in those green eyes. He hadn't been able to identify it, until Villain Day.

Midoriya looks at Bakugou like Todoroki looks at Endeavor.

He isn't entirely sure what this means, but he knows that, no matter what, he'll keep the blonde away from his first friend. Midoriya fought for him at the Sports Festival, and he's going to return the favor.

He won't press, but he'll be there. Because no one, least of all Midoriya deserves to be hurt, to be beaten down and forced to hide just how angry he is. He, of all people, knows just how damaging that much anger can be.


It is. And he'll use it to stay by Midoriya's side until his last breath.

Shouto: Natsuo, I need your help with something.


Uraraka doesn't understand.

She just...doesn't.

How could someone sweet and kind like Deku act so....



It's not that she thinks Deku is a villain, but the sudden, extreme personality change during Villain Day left her reeling. His normally soft green eyes were cold and harsh and unfeeling as they looked at her, and she felt like he was dissecting her with a single glance.

What happened to him?

Her Deku would never be so violent with his friends. Even when he came back from being missing, he was nice, even if he didn't seem entirely there.

She doesn't understand, and the more she thinks about it, the more confused she becomes, until she's tossing and turning in her bed, brain whirring in tired circles as she tries to understand just what happened to her sunshine-smile, always nervous and blushing Deku.


Kirishima watches when Midoriya plunges a katana into Bakugou's shoulder, a faintly familiar look in his eyes.

The night of Villain Day, once it's all over, he reviews the footage. It's rather gruesome and bloody, and the amount of blood always makes him slightly nauseous, but he still watches it.

He doesn't understand. Why is Midoriya looking at Bakubro like that?

(He ignores the curling sensation in his gut when he watches Midoriya talk, words lost to the camera's audio, ignores the uneasy feeling in his heart when he watches Midoriya smile at Bakugou.)

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