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I woke up.

I had no memory of the night before.

I was laying on the couch with George in my arms.

I smiled.

I hated myself so much that I was projecting that on George. At least drunk me was smart for once.

I wish we could go back to summer.

We were both happy and in love.

We're still in love, just not so happy anymore.

I wish I didn't fuck everything up.

George groaned.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

We sat there for a minute.

"Want to forget about everything thats happened and just go out? We can go star gazing or we can go shopping or we can just lay in a field." I just missed spending time with George.

"I would love that."

There was a long pause.

"I'm sorry for bringing my anger out on you, I love you babe." Dream then kissed George on the forehead and got up.

George laid on the couch and heard as Dream walked into the bathroom and started the shower.

It was a confusing feeling.

He would do anything for Dream because he loves him but once again Dream has been ignoring him and treating him like complete shit. But his mental health is bad. He's having bad days. That's okay.

They promised to stick together.

He couldn't break that promise.

Was this stupid?

They both got in the car and drove around.

It was 1pm and there weren't any new places that they could go look at.

They were just going to go shopping but that's boring.

The sun didn't set for a long time still to go star gazing. They awkwardly drove around in circles.

While George's leg shook over his nerves.

Dream looked down at his leg "What's wrong?"

George removed his gaze from the window "What?"

"Why are you shaking."

"I don't know I'm nervous. We haven't hung out or anything recently." George made his leg stop shaking.

"Okay I'm sorry about that."

George awkwardly leaned over and turned up the music. It made up for whatever was happening in the moment.

He looked out the window. Same landscape as back home with a little less green.

He misses it but there's nothing he can do about it now. It's already happened and it's done. All the regret can't be solved.

He wanted to ask Dream if he misses it.

But there's too much built up anger that he won't want to set off.

Saying that it's my fault for leaving.

So fucking stupid.

I want to enjoy today because I love Dream and I missed him but I feel like we can't connect anymore like we used to. What if I say something wrong and he gets mad at me.

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