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Graysons POV

I should have taken the hints. Clay never flirted with me. He rarely kissed me. I always texted first. He never put any effort into any part of our relationship. He was always so close with George. I know they tried to hide it but I could always see it.

My first hint should have been when I saw George sneak out.

And go into Clays truck.

Then he called him Dream. What kind of a nickname is that.

I've never heard anybody at school call him that except for those weird girls.

I always heard moaning coming from his room but idk I just thought he was a hoe or something.

At school he would always be looking at George whenever we talked.

And the fucking text messages.

When I went through them I was just lying to myself.

The amount of 'I love you' in the messages under the name "Dream💚". The dirty text messages. The amount of times he fucking said my name in them too. Like "I shouldn't be in love with my boyfriends brother but then I found you" They were always texting.

And I heard George moan Clays name a few times.

I have been lying to myself for a while now.

I literally knew this was happening but I couldn't confront him. Incase I was wrong. I would look like the idiot here.

And then he didn't even say I love you back to me. That's the one that hurt the most.

And then George lying. I would talk about Clay to him and he would use some stupid response acting like he didn't fuck my brother an hour or two ago.

I'm so stupid for not telling myself the truth.

I loved Clay.

And all I got back was him going for my older brother.

We even had an attachment at the start too. We could both tell. And then he met George.

Honestly. I wouldn't even have been that mad if they both just told me, instead I walked in on them making out.

I hate my brother.

It disgusts me so much. He faked liking me.

That is horrible.

I think it all hit me when the second I shut that door I heard laughing coming from the other side. They were laughing at me...

I should have taken every hint and I should have believed my intuition when I was telling myself something was up and something was happening. But instead I just kept on letting it eat me up inside and I had to find out the hard way.

I broke up with the best person I had ever been with because of him. I really thought him and I had a connection of some sort.

I threw everything away for him. Everything.

I was in love with this other girl but I was so gosh darn in love with this other boy that I broke up with her without even looking back.

Knowing her I won't be able to get with her again.

I hate myself because of those two boys.

He lied.

He was a cheater.

He was fucking MY brother.

He's disgusting.

Out of everybody my parents agreed to him.

I feel sorry for myself.

I was even cheating on MY girlfriend because of him. 

I was a cheater being cheated on.

How pathetic.

I was played.

I don't even care about everything that he's done. It's the fact that it was with my brother.

I knew something was up and I didn't say anything at all.

And I hate myself just for that.

I'm the idiot.

They played it smart.

I'm pretty sure everything changed when I couldn't make it to our lunch date. He ended up going with George instead. So they could get to know each other better or something. I shouldn't have let them do it.

It definitely all went downhill there. George started acting weirder that day. Every time I mentioned Clay, he would seem uncomfortable.

I don't even know what to feel right now.

It's just so twisted.

When I locked gases with Clay when I walked in on them. I could tell he didn't care one bit. My heart was shattering that moment and it was almost like he was just looking at me. And then I heard the stupid laughing. I should have trusted my instinct.

I was so in love with that it just pisses me off that I didn't do anything about it.

I really thought I would enjoy my life with him.

He was hot.

He was nice.

He was actually a caring guy.

He didn't seem like a heart breaker.

But he was a cheater.

An insecure, cheater.

The funny thing is that he would tell me about everything too. About his insecurities. His body dysmorphia. How he didn't know what he looked like. It seemed like he was genuinely really comfortable with me. I don't know. I trusted him and it seemed like he trusted me too.

So why would he cheat on me.

I did everything right. I treated him correctly.

I just. It's so weird to think about.

Did he even realize in these past few months that what he was doing was wrong? Or did he know what he was doing was wrong and he literally didn't care about what would end up happening in the long run.

Come to think of it. He was literally closer with my sister then he was with me.

Was it my fault?

Did I do something to him that made him push me away?

Did I accidentally say something I shouldn't have?

Or did he cheat on me because he's an awful person?

I knew this would happen.

Soulmates aren't real.

This world is fucked up. He didn't need to lie to me but he did. He was, he is, a cruel person.

All I did was love him.

And he didn't love me back...

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