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I stood there.

My life long best friend just confessed his feelings to me.


Never once had he ever thought Sapnap had liked him. The thought had never ran in my head that he could possibly like me.

For gods sake I didn't even know he liked guys.

I texted him a few minutes after that.

He just left me on read. I didn't do anything bad I don't think...

Maybe I did but if I did I didn't know notice.

Dream started fidgeting with his fingers. He looked at the time.


Lunch started in about half an hour. 

He figured he should just stay in his car and wait until Grayson was done school.

He sat in the car for a minute when someone opened the school doors.

Grayson was walking out of the doors with his car keys in hand.

Dream jumped out of his truck "Hey! Grayson. Why are you leaving early?"

Grayson looked at him "I'm so fucking sorry. I'm canceling our lunch. I just don't think I can do whatever is happening in my life."

"Wait what happened?" Dream put his hand on Graysons shoulder.

"I'm just-" he paused "To be entirely honest my anxiety is so fucking high up the roof and if I show up to lunch with you I will have a panic attack. I can't fucking do this right now. I'm sorry." He walked away

Dream just watched as he walked away.

He looked at the time once more.


He called George.

"Hello?" A confused voice spoke

"Hi George! Uh this is Clay. Your brother just cancelled on me from lunch but I was wondering if you and I wanted to go eat lunch and get to know eachother better?" Dream clenched his jaw

"Oh. I would actually love too."

They talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.

Dream barely even knew the boy but there was a completely different mood change when he was talking with Grayson and then when he was talking to George.


He heard the bell ring.

He saw students start to storm out the doors. Everyone in their own friend group.

And then he saw George.

He looked like he was in his own little bubble. He looked really cute walking out of the school.

Clay was stunned by all the thoughts that had crossed his mind when he saw George. He slightly covered his mouth his his hand and shook his head.

"What the fuck" he muttered

George stood in the middle of the parking lot for a second before spotting the like green F150 almost right infront of him. He smiled and walked over to Dream's car.

Dream's leg started shaking. He was really nervous.

He unlocked his car doors and watched as George sat down in the front seat.

"Hey." He spoke

"Hi. Where are we going did you decide anything?" George looked so pretty saying that

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