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//Tiny tiny mention of self harm//

Sorry for the really sudden time skip!

Time really flies by.

Almost 8 months of this. George is 19 and Dream is 18 now.

They were settled.

They were able to be smart enough and put down enough money to buy a tiny one person apartment for the two of them.

It works out still.

George sat on the couch waiting.

Him and Dream haven't really been talking much. They still love each other but Dream's been really weird lately. Almost like he's sad and trying to force himself away from people.

Dream was working at a little clothing store in the mall. It was easy money considering they get about 15 costumers for a 6 hour shift.

Boring but it's easy.

George recently started taking anxiety medication. Not for any specific reason, he just felt like he needed it for work. He would take 1 a day only. Not a lot but it would work for him. Considering how expensive they were that's all he would take either way.

George heard the dangling of keys going inside the doorknob.

He got up as Dream walked inside.

"Hi." George spoke

Dream turned around and shut the door.

Same look. Dreary tired eyes. No smile. Bad posture. Red puffy eyes from getting no sleep. It was bad.

"Hey." Dream walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a can of beer.

George rolled his eyes "Babe stop it."

Just as Dream was about to open the can he stopped.

There was a silence as Dream hit the can on the counter.

George flinched at it but he wasn't scared.

He walked closer to Dream and looked up at him. A little intimidated by the taller man powering over him.

"I'm starting to believe you don't love me anymore." Dream pushed George away from him.

And with that Dream went inside their bedroom and slammed the door.

George sat there.

"I do love you..." he mumbled

George bit his lip. He put his hands around his neck and looked out the window as a small tear dropped down his face. He ran his hands threw his hair. He fiddled with his bead necklace.

The only thing keeping them together.

He looked around the room.

The house was a mess.

He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the beer can putting it back in the fridge. He put dishes in the empty dishwasher. He needed to do the laundry. But all the clothes were in their room. He picked up a few of the socks on the floor and on the couch.

He walked over and hesitantly knocked on the door.

He walked inside and sat down beside Dream on the side of their bed.

Dream had his hands on his face and was just looking down.

"You know I love you."

Dream sat their.

About a minute of silence.

"I think I love you." Dream whispered.

George looked at Dream. His mouth agape. He started crying.

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