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nsfw moments

George sat in his room.

It was almost mid night. He was waiting for that one text. To ask to go sneak out.

Maybe Dream just wasn't in the mood.

Hey, we're we going to go out tonight or? What is our plan here

It wasn't an instant reply but almost five minutes later Dream had texted him back.

Hey I'm sorry for not responding. Yeah I'll be over soon. Be ready, I have a new place we can go too :)))

George got out of his bed and looked inside his closet.

He looked at the many things he could wear. And then he looked over at a crop top. It was his sisters that had just ended up there. But him and his sister were around the same size.

He put the white crop top on and then a pair of small shorts.

He looked himself in the mirror. This wasn't his style. But he did look hot in it.

Dream would love this.

George fixed up his hair and looked out his window. Dream wasn't there yet.

He sat down on his bed and went on his phone.

He heard footsteps slowly approach his room.

"Hey George I know it's late but-" his brother had walked in

He giggled "What the fuck are you wearing. Why are you wearing our sisters clothes? I mean you rock it but-" he paused "Oh my god. Are you sneaking out?"

George anxiously tapped his foot on the floor.

"Yup I'm going out with Allysa." He whipped out his phone and quickly texted Dream

Do not. Pull up at my house. Show up like a few houses down.

"Okay you're weird. Anyway." He sat down beside George "I told Clay I loved him earlier and he didn't say anything back. I don't think he actually does like me. He isn't touchy at all with me and I've always been the one kissing him. I think he's only ever kissed me first like twice." He looked up at George

"Maybe he just isn't that type of person? Maybe he doesn't like sex or touching or any of that."

He definitely does

"You think?" Grayson tilted his head

"Yeah I'd assume. I mean I don't know him that well but that's what I can tell you. Maybe he just isn't ready." George shrugged his shoulders

"Anyways. Uh Grayson. I am about to sneak out."

He laughed "It looks like you're going to a gay bar or strip club."

George laughed "I am." He stood up and walked over to his desk. He opened up a drawer and pulled out a fake id.

"Woah." Grayson looked at it

"Yeah yeah pretty cool. Byeeeee." He opened up his window and climbed out of it.

"Lock my door for me Grayson!" He yelled while walking away.

Our Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora