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Body dysmorphia

Young love is just a lie we're all told to help us forget about the heart breaks.

Growing up in a household knowing you won't ever be able to find love because you have to marry someone your parents choose really changes life's perspective. Most of my life I didn't even have a chance to find love or even learn how too love anybody. I knew I only had one person who I could marry. Of course my parents had to make adjustments when I wished to marry a boy instead of a girl. I hate how they always try and change me, saying it's a phase or I'm going to regret it when I can't have biological children. But I don't care. I think high school is when I started to realize that I need to start getting to know the person who I'd marry better. It's not like I had a choice either. I just had to deal with it I guess.

"Mom I'm leaving for school" Clay mumbled while eating his half eaten toast

"Okay have fun sweetheart, try and be dressed nice by four o clock, today you get to meet your future" his mom paused "Husband." She bickered "He has a sister too! If you think about it there's more pros to be in that type of relationship!" She yelled as he walked out the door

Clay walked out the door. He never got to decide anything in his life. His parents being rich and needing him to marry another rich family is the only thing his parents wanted for him. But they had to like the family.

His only choice he has ever gotten was which gender. Nothing else.

He was spinning his keys around when his phone rang.


It was Sapnap. He loves Sapnap. His only real true friend but it was too early to have to deal with his shit.

He put a smile on his face "Heyyyy Dude."

"Yo Dream!"

Dream. The name the entire school calls him. From what he's heard it came to him because he's everybody's dream man or whatever. They call him that even though everybody knows to never hit on him because they won't have a chance to be with him.

"Hi. Why are you calling me right now? I'm about to head to school"

"Oh I need someone to drive me."

Clay slapped his hand to his forehead slowly dragging it down his face along with rolling his eyes "Bro seriously?"

"Please! I'm almost out of gas and I don't have time to gas up today."


"Thanks! I'll buy you a coffee or something cause you really just saved my ass from getting whooped" Sapnap laughed

"Whatever. It's whatever. I'll be there in five minutes"

He hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket.

He unlocked his truck and got in.

He plugged his phone into the aux cord and started jamming to Chase Atlantic.

He started driving over to Sapnaps house. Taking his usual course over to the house. The boring rich people houses that every person brags about even though he was probably one of the richest people in town. He seemed to be one of the few that didn't brag about having a water fountain in his front yard.

He pulled up to the beige coloured brick house seeing Sapnap sitting on the front steps with his backpack beside him.

Sapnap got up and walked over to Dream's truck "Thanks for being able to do this man. I really needed it"

Dream just smiled and turned up the music "I want my coffee."

"Go to Starbucks then. It's on me." Sapnap laughed about it

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