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Underage drug use

Dream sat back in his chair. He was starring at his pc wondering what he wanted to do today.

Today wasn't too bad so far. So far, it wasn't bad.

It had been about a week since he saw George and he missed him a lot. It was about 1pm. He had woke up about an hour ago and he was sitting in basketball shorts in his chair.

Nothing was really on his mind.

He was starring blankly over at the wall.

No thoughts.

No worries.

Just small boredom.

He had a plan for later in the day but he needed something to get rid of his boredom.

Once he decided he was just going to stay bored he just went on his phone.

You have to be ready by 9pm today. Wear appropriate clothes we're going out.

He laid back down and scrolled on TikTok for countless hours.

Time passed very fast.

When he finally clicked out of what he had been doing he looked at the time.


He got out of bed and went to go get food.

He saw dinner which he assumed he just missed on the table. There was rice, meatballs and stew. There was a note beside it.

The family went out your not welcomed loser. Jk love you we'll be back before eight xoxo

His little sister wrote it and it was very obvious.

He sat and ate his food.

He was on his phone scrolling through Twitter when George texted him.

George 💙
We're leaving now. Idc what you say my fucking family sucks.

Dream put his last spoonful of rice in his mouth and just looked at the message.

He called his mom "Why are you calling us something up?" His mom sounded worried

"I'm okay mom, I was just wondering if I could stay at Sapnaps for the night."

His mom stayed silent for a minute "No dilly dallying around." His mom hung up.

Dream quickly put on some better clothes and and left out the door.

He pulled up to George's house and saw him pacing on his front lawn.

George quickly got into the car.

"Grayson is being so weird around me and I have a suspicion he knows." George put his seat belt on

Dream pressed his lips into a thin line "Welp. Whatcha gunna do about it." He turned up the radio and started driving.

"The party doesn't start till ten. So what do you want to do for now?" Dream looked over at George who was twiddling with his fingers

"I don't know. We can drive around. Blasting good music with the windows down." It wasn't a bad idea

Dream turned up the radio really loud and then rolled down all the windows, including the sun roof.

This continued on for about two whole hours. Their throats hurt from all the singing but they needed to do that at one point.



Dream turned the truck around and started driving to the party.

"Are you okay with drugs?"

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