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Dream and George spend countless days sneaking out at night and going to different locations. Him and Grayson only really talked at school and they had gone out for lunch about twice.

His mom had no clue any of this had been happening.

It had been about a month since him and George met.

They both developed feelings for each other. They were too scared to do anything though because Dream and Grayson are a forever thing that nobody could change.

Wanna meet today outside at lunch in the field?

Yeah sure.

Grayson had caught feelings for Dream.

And Grayson thought Dream had felt the same way.

"Sapnap..." Dream whispered to him at the back of the classroom


"Grayson wants to meet with me at lunch. Again." Dream complained

Sapnaps feelings for Dream hadn't left him entirely but they weren't as strong

"Just do it. It's probably just a random thing I don't know."

"No no no he wants to meet me in the field." Dream loudly whispered

"Clayyy, do you have something you'd like to say to the class?!" His teacher yelled

"I'm going on a date if that's what you wanted to hear?" Dream starred at the teacher with a dead look

"Oh, good luck." His teacher went back to teaching

"Shittt like the field field?" Sapnap covered his mouth

"Yes Sapnap. The fucking stupid field that everyone's asks people out at and stuff."

"Well I wish you the best of luck."

"No he has a girlfriend though!" Dream wasn't completely sure on what's going to happen

"Well. That sucks for her."

Dream rolled his eyes and went back to his work.


The lunch bell rang.

Dream looked over at Sapnap with a scared look "You'll be fine man! Just go!"

Dream got up from his chair and went the opposite direction of his car.

He exited by the back doors into the abandoned field.

He looked around and saw Grayson sitting on a blanket with flowers.

Dream contemplated if he should just turn around and leave or if he should have to deal with whatever this was.

He walked over their and sat down.

"Hey." Dream smiled.

"Clay. I really like you. And I didn't know how to tell you." He just blurted out

He had to act excited "Seriously?! I like you too!" He yelled

Grayson leaned over to him and kissed him.

Dream couldn't do anything but kiss him back. He hated every moment of it.

"Clay, you make me very happy. Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Dream clenched his teeth and then bit the inside of his cheek "I'd love to be your boyfriend!" He leaned over to Grayson and kissed him. He hated it so much.

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