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George and I looked at each other.

We knew we would never break from this bond we had. We loved each other.

I never loved you anyways

The music blasting as the worries left our minds.

The silence was interrupted by the beads hitting the floor and starting to roll

We had a long and beautiful life ahead of us.

I fell to my knees realizing what I had just said


We stumbled upon a little motel.

It wasn't amazing but it would do for what our options were.

We checked in for 5 days and brought our bags in there.

For a motel it was surprisingly really nice.

There were no suspicious stains.

The floor wasn't carpet and it was clean.

The beds were clean.

The walls were a pretty blue colour.

We laid down in the bed.

For the first time in about 24 hours we actually were comfortable.

We weren't going to fall asleep in the back of a truck for the time being.

We were going to share a bed for the first time.

George cuddled up close to me.

He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

He wrapped his arms around my stomach.

George traced circles on my stomach. I loved being the little spoon and George knew it.

George's cold hands slowly moving across my stomach made me feel actually loved. I knew I was loved but this was actually the point that it all hit me. I was really in love with George.

He walked away holding onto his necklace shaking

We ran away together because we are two stupid teens who weren't fully excepted.

Him and I both knew that at some point we wouldn't be so in love. We might even fall out of love at some point.

I walked into the room seeing the necklace beads on the floor and Dream crying in the corner

We would just have to make it last for now.

By the sound of George's breath he was definitely asleep.

I grabbed my phone and was bombarded with calls and texts from all sorts of people.

14 missed calls
4 voicemails
57 texts

3 calls
28 texts

16 calls
9 voicemails
117 texts

Our Forbidden LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora