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Dream was driving 120 down the empty highway.

His speed just kept on going faster and faster. His music was on full blast and the two boys were singing their hearts out.

Dream ignored where he was driving and how he was driving.

They were too distracted to hear the sirens behind them.

Dream kept driving and singing to the music for a another minute when he looked in his mirror.

He laughed "Shittt were getting pulled over." Him and George were both laughing.

Dream slowed down the best he could and then pulled over.

They were laughing their heads off. It hadn't clicked yet about how much trouble they were about to be in.

The cop pulled up behind them. He got out of the car and walked over to Dream's truck.

He shined the flashlight inside immediately seeing both Dream and George's eyes beat red.

Dream bit his lip F-boy style and closed his eyes.

"Hello officer." He tried to hide his laugh but snorts just came out.

George was hitting his knee

"Have you been drinking or done any drugs in the past 12 hours boys?"

Dream looked over at George and they both started laughing again "No- no officer." He hiccuped "I would never, everrrr do drugs."

He pressed his lips together thinking he was covering his laugh well.

"Get out of the truck boys."

"No." Dream laughed

"Get out of the truck."

"No" George bickered

The officer rolled his eyes.

He walked a few steps away and spoke in his walkie talkie.

About three minutes later another police officer showed up.

"Hello boys. I need you two to get out of the truck now please."

Dream rolled his eyes "Whatever." He put extra emphasis on the 'R'

Dream unlocked the truck door and stepped out. The other officer was on George's side.

"Come on boys." Holding their hands behind their backs.

Dream started squirming "HEY! HEY! WHAT ABOUT MY TRUCK MAN." He was trying to push away the officer.

"It'll be okay. Where's your license and registration?"

Dream pointed at his passenger cabinet.

The officer grabbed it and then pushed Dream and George into the back of the police car.

The boys were both laughing and kicking their legs.

"First time in a police car. Kinda nervous." Dream stuck out his tongue

"We're popping off."

Dream took out his phone and took a selfie of him and George sticking their tongues out in the back of the police car with the caption 'First time in a police car, kinda nervous!"

The entire car ride they were both laughing in the back seat.

Once they arrived at the police station both of their parents were sitting in the front foyer.

"Davidson's? Charltons?" The officer spoke.

Dream's mom stood up "Yes that's us. What's wrong-" she bit her lip and almost yelled at Dream when he saw how red his eyes were "Well shit Clay what the fuck did you get yourself into." She ran her fingers threw his hair. And then she slapped his cheek "You dumbass."

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