December 31st 2021 6:50 PM

18 1 0

Well guys.

Another year has come and gone, and here I am.

Little ole me.

2021 was an interesting year. A lot happened. I got a job. I got a boyfriend, my first boyfriend. I had a lot of firsts this year. My dad found out his cancer was still there. He underwent radiation. I broke up with said boyfriend. I turned 21. Decided I really wasn't gonna drink any more. And here I am.

Tomorrow I work.

And on Sunday I begin an internship/shadowing opportunity in the ICU, and I am beyond excited.

Because I thought it was hilarious and I wanted to write it down so I can remember it later on:

Today I did something out of character for me. I decided I was gonna drive an hour to see a kid I met off Tinder.

But you know what? That's what makes life fun and worth living. Meeting new people, having odd and funny experiences.

And I had a great time. It was a little unconventional but it felt natural and real and I laughed the whole time so really, you can't ask for more.

It's amazing and crazy and it's life.

I'm feeling a little nostalgic and happy.

2021 may not have been the best, but it certainly was a life changing year for me. So was 2020.

Is it silly of me to think that 2022 will also have a large impact on me and my journey, and who I am becoming as a person?

I don't think so. I'd like to believe that fate has a lot more bigger things in store for me in 2022.

And I am ready. Bring it on world.

Just figured I would come on here and type a quick entry. This is the longest I have ever used a journal for, even if it's only once every couple months.

Cheers to the new year.

It's an even number—don't fail me. (Like you did last time... kinda)


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