Decisions 🍋 & ☁️

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck? I have no idea." He responds, you get off of him in search of your phone. You hear him moving to do the same. "He always sleeps in. What time is it?" You hear the slight worry in his tone and it made you love him even more. But then you begin to feel worried as well, no missed text or calls.

Just as you both started to panic a little bit the door swings open. "It's reeks of sex in here..." Satoru cheerfully shouts and you both turn, relief flooded through you. You run up to him and hug him tightly. "I want to be greeted like that everyday!" He smiles down at you, patting your head affectionately.

You then realize your still naked and he was completely dressed for the day. "Fuck I need a shower..." You frown running out of the room.

Third person POV
Satoru laughed as she pulled away and ran off in a hurry. He felt an overwhelming joy knowing it was only temporary this time.

"Where did you go?" A deep voice interrupted his thoughts. Satoru turned grinning and made his way to the bed. He climbed in and turned to study his best friend. Kissing him originally had been Satoru's ploy to seduce Y/N into getting his way. All three of them living happily under one roof. But when they were all crumbled on the floor, him an emotional wreck he realized it was more than that. He loved them both more than anything else in this world. "Sato... hello?"

"Ooo sorry! I wanted to get breakfast today." Satoru replied, "You always cook for us. I didn't want you to have to worry about that and relax." Satoru shrugs and Suguru grins.

"Come here..." Suguru opens his arms and Satoru cuddles against his chest, it felt so intimate. "Damn... this is crazy right?" He hears a worried tone mixed in with Suguru's light chuckle. He feels him subconsciously run fingers through his hair, the way Y/N usually did.

"Is it?" Satoru questioned looking up at Suguru. His dark eyes looked lost in thought. "I don't know. It feels right to me." Satoru smiles brightly and watches as the worry is erased from Suguru's features. Suguru smiles back and kisses his forehead tenderly.

"Fuck... I need a shower to." Satoru rolls off of him.

"Use mine. If you shower with y/n it will take to long and the food will get cold." Satoru pouts as Suguru gets out of bed. Suguru ruffles his hair.

"Your kind of endearing when you get jealous." He mutters as he exits the room. Satoru crosses his arms in irritation and huffs. But deep down he felt so loved.

Regular POV
It was like you were in a bubble. None of you wanting to acknowledge the outside world. You felt safe here as you all sat down and ate the breakfast Satoru had purchased for you. You all chatted and joked with each other. All of your moods taking a radical turn from the night before.

After you ate, the three of you cuddle on the couch to watch a movie. Satoru looked a bit unfocused. "What's up?" You whisper to him as you scratch his back. He snuggles further into your chest.

"I had a proposition for you about work. But I didn't want to ruin the day." He mutters his arms wrapping around your waist.

You close your eyes when Suguru starts massaging your head. "Mmm... Sato it's fine. Just say it. No more secrets." You say in almost a purr. This causes Satoru to chuckle, vibrating against you.

"Fine. I don't want you to leave. So I spoke with Toji about making you the boss. Then he would be freed up to travel and I could hire an assistant for him." He cringes a bit waiting for your anger.

"What if I want to go?" You ask in a way testing him. His arms tighten around you and he buries his head deeper.

"I don't own you. I would accept it. But I'd wait for your return in hopes that you still loved me every time." You could barely hear him mumble. You pull his head back by his hair and his eyes roll back.

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