Chapter 97: Ant-Man Is Back

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

Yelena and I are in bed cuddling and she looks down at the ring on her finger.

Yelena: I still can't believe how beautiful this ring is. Where'd you get it from?

I smile.

Y/N: My mum gave it to me. It's been in my family since the 1940s. My great-grandfather gave it to my great-grandmother. It's actually a really nice story.

She looks up at me.

Yelena: Can I hear it?

I smile.

Y/N: Sure. My great-grandfather fought in WW2 and when he was stationed in London he bought this ring as he planned on proposing to my great-grandmother. He fought all the through Europe with this ring wrapped around his neck with his dogtages. Then after thirteen months he came back to New York and my great-grandmother was waiting for him at the port, when they reunited he proposed on the spot.

Yelena: That sounds amazing and romantic.

Y/N: Yeah, it was. My great-grandmother gave it to my grandfather to give to my grandmother, then my grandmother gave it to my father to give it to my mother and my mother gave it to me to give to you.

Yelena: So, if we have a son that means I have to give it away too?

I chuckle.

Y/N: I guess so. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it babe.

After another hour or so we get up and head into New York to see my mum.

(Three hours later)

After visiting my mum for a bit we head to the Compound to see Nat and tell her how last night went.

Natasha: I still can't get over the how beautiful that ring is. Y/N, your great-grandfather had amazing taste.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Thanks.

After talking for a bit longer Nat has a quick meeting with the other Avengers that are both on earth and in space. Then we get a visit from Cap. He congratulates Yelena and I on our engagement, then Nat looks to him.

Steve: You know I'd offer to cook dinner, but Nat already seems depressed enough.

I smile.

Y/N: You here to do your laundry?

Steve: And to see some friends.

Natasha: Well, your friends is fine.

As we all continue to talk an alarm goes off.

We see security camera footage of the front door and see Scott Lang a.k.a Ant-Man standing there.

Steve: Is this old footage?

Natasha: No, it's the front gate.

Once we get Scott inside he starts pacing around.

Yelena: Scott, are you okay?

Scott: Yeah, yeah it's just... have any of you studied quantum theory?

We all look at each other.

Y/N: A little bit.

Natasha: Only to make conversation.

Lang goes on to explain that before Thanos showed up that he was in a place called the quantum realm. And that he was there for three hours, even though for us it was three years.

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