Chapter 86: Avengers Infinity War Prologue

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Hello there everyone, Y/N L/N here a.k.a the Ultimate Spider-Man and I'm back again to once again catch you all up to speed on what's been happening with me and everyone else in my life recently.

So it's been two years since myself and the other rogue Avengers have become fugitives and criminals according to the US government. The group consists of myself, Yelena, Justin, Isaac, Steve, Natasha, Sam and Wanda. As you all know both Clint and Scott cut a deal so they could get back to their families.

Steve told us about what happened between him, Bucky and Tony. Turns out Bucky killed Tony's parents while under mind control by HYDRA.

I've managed to go home and check in on my mum a few times with the help of Ben, both him and Vision have been helping us stay a step ahead of the government the past two years.

Our lives on the run haven't been as bad as you might think. I mean it hasn't been fantastic or anything, but things could be worse. Yelena tried to get me to dye my hair blonde like Natasha did so I'd blend in more, but I opted to just grow out my beard a bit. Yelena seems to prefer my stubble over me having blonde hair.

Since we've been on the run Steve has been expecting a call from Tony. He sent Tony a flip phone that has mine and his numbers in it. This is so he can get in contact with me, as Steve thinks Tony still doesn't want to talk to him and after what happened I can't say I'm surprised.

We've been on missions all around the world actually. I even went on mission with Yelena and Nat which involved getting help from their adopted parents, they helped take down the Red Room which was apparently still active. It was weird meeting Yelena's parents but I think they liked me.

Speaking of Yelena she and I are still going strong. We've been able to keep our relationship strong despite the circumstances we've been in for the past two years.

Well, that's about it. That's everything that's happened in the past two years since the Avengers essentially broke up.

So I'll talk to you guys next time. Goodbye for now.

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