Chapter 22: Getting The Key To The City

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm currently at the festival that mayor Lance has thrown for Spider-Man so he can give him the key to the city.

He also doesn't know that he's technically giving me the key to the city.

Though as Y/N L/N I'm here taking pictures for the Bugle.

As I'm taking pictures of the place I hear a voice.

???: Hey there stranger.

I turn around to see Mia standing there.

Y/N: Hey.

I go over and give her a hug and a kiss.

Y/N: Okay, so I'm gonna be swinging in from over there. So you know where to look.

She looks in the direction I point in, then looks back to me with a smile.

Mia: Okay. Give 'em a good show Tiger.

???: Hey guys.

Mia and I look over to see Justin and Yelena coming over.

Y/N & Mia: Hey.

We go over and hug both them one at a time.

Y/N: Thanks for coming guys.

Yelena: Of course, so are you ready?

Y/N: I'm a little nervous, but yeah. I'm ready.

Justin: Come on, you don't have to be nervous. You'll be wearing a mask anyway.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, that's true.

We then see Mia's dad Oliver Lance walking onto the stage.

Y/N: Okay, I better go.

Mia: Good luck.

Y/N: Thanks babe.

I then run off to get changed.

After a couple of minutes I'm now in my suit and I've landed on a rooftop nearby.

I can now hear mayor Lance's speech.

He walks up to the podium and speaks into the mic.

Oliver: Hello citizens of New York. So, I think it's safe to say in the past few months this city has seen some pretty weird stuff. We've had criminals come out with some crazy enhanced abilities, but we got something in return. We got a hero, we got Spider-Man.

The crowd starts clapping.

Oliver: We were given a hero that was willing to give his life to save this city when a man known as Hammerhead tried to destroy New York with a NuForm bomb. Spider-Man has saved some many people in this city, including me. He did this without getting so much as thank you. Well today... today he does. I am honoured to be here today to give the key to New York City to our very own hero. Spider-Man!!!

The crowd starts clapping again.

I jump down from the rooftop and swing down towards the festival.

I swing through and start giving high fives to people in the crowd.

Y/N: Hey! What's up?! How you doing?!

I then land on the podium and start waving at the crowd as they cheer my name.

As I'm waving at the crowd I go over to mayor Lance and shake his hand.

After taking a picture with him as Spider-Man he grabs the key to the city and holds it out to me.

Oliver: The doors to New York City will forever be open for you Spider-Man.

I nod and take the key.

Y/N: Thank you mayor Lance.

He nods and we shake hands again.

After this we heard people screaming in the distance. I look up and see a car flying towards us.

I quickly grab the mayor and web zip us off the podium before the car hits it.

We land on the ground nearby.

Y/N: Are you okay mayor Lance?

Oliver: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.

I nod and the mayor's security come to take him away.

After this I feel the ground start to shake and I see Rhino coming towards me.

Rhino: The hero of New York City. What a joke.

Y/N: Okay, let's do this Alexander.

I jump into the air and swing towards him, I then shoot my webs at a nearby manhole cover and use it to dodge anything Rhino threw at me.

Once I'm close enough I swing the manhole cover around and hit him in the face.

This is gonna be a long fight.

(A/N: So that's it for Spider-Man: The Bigman of Crime arc. Next up is the Avengers. I just wanna thank everyone for the support on this story so far, it's been amazing. So thank you and I hope you enjoy what's coming next.)

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