Chapter 79: Talking With Tony

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So the past two days have been crazy. The UN was bombed and the King of Wakanda was killed in the bombing.

The whole world believes it was Bucky Barnes a.k.a the Winter Soldier.

He has been arrested along with Steve, Sam and the Prince of Wakanda T'challa.

I'm currently in Berlin with Yelena as we've been called here by Tony, he says he wants to talk about about something.

Yelena and I are walking through the halls and once we get to the main offices and see Steve and Sam in an office.

Tony: Ah, there they are.

We look over to see Tony and Nat coming over to us.

Y/N: Alright Tony, what's going on?

Tony: We just wanna talk?

Yelena: Why'd you arrest them?

Tony: We didn't, besides that office is better than a prison cell. Y/N, can we talk please?

I sigh.

Y/N: Sure.

Tony and I walk off to go and talk in private.

We go into an office and he closes the door behind, then he goes over to the desk.

Y/N: Okay Tony, what's this about?

He pulls a document out of the desk and brings it over to the table along with a pen.

I go over to the table and see that the document is the Sokovia Accords document.

Y/N: Goddammit.

Tony: Y/N, please sign this.

Y/N: Tony...

Tony: Look, I know you don't like. Okay, I get it. But I need you to sign it.

I sigh.

Y/N: Who else has signed it?

Tony: Myself, Rhodey, Natasha, Justin and Vision.

Y/N: What about Wanda and Ben?

Tony: Not yet, they're still undecided.

I grab the pen off the table.

Y/N: Tony, I wish we could be on the same side when it comes to the accords. I really do, but I can't sign. I can't sign when I know in my heart that it's wrong.

Tony: Y/N, I want you with me on this, I need you with me on this. What do you think your grandpa would want you to do? Don't you think he'd want to be on the right side of this?

Y/N: Maybe you're right. Maybe he'd want me to sign. But like I said I can't sign when I know in my heart that it's wrong. I can't let myself become the government's weapon.

I drop the pen back on the table.

Y/N: I can't. I'm sorry Tony. I hope you can understand.

After that I walk out of the room.

(Ten minutes later)

Yelena and I are both in the office with Steve, Sam and Sharon. Natasha asked Yelena to sign too, but she said no like me.

As we're sitting in there Steve looks at us.

Steve: Why would the task force put out this picture in the first place?

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