Chapter 29: The Stones, The Gauntlet & The Purple Figure

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Y/N's P.O.V

Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner and I have now found a way to find the Cube. Stark also just broke into S.H.I.E.L.D's secure files.

Now we know what uncle Nick has been hiding from us.

Tony and I are sitting on the work bench and whilst we're looking through the files, then uncle Nick comes into the lab.

Nick Fury: What are you doing Mr. Stark?

Y/N: We've kinda been wondering the same about you uncle Nick.

Nick Fury: You three are supposed to be locating the Tesseract.

Bruce: We are, we're scanning for it right now.

Bruce points to a computer in the corner.

Tony: Yep, then you'll get the Cube back. No muss, no fuss.

The computer beeps a Tony and I see a file called "Phase 2."

Y/N: So, Nick. What is "Phase 2?"

We hear a slam and we all see a weapon on the table with Rogers standing next to it.

Steve: Phase 2 is that S.H.I.E.L.D uses the Cube to make weapons. Sorry the computer was moving too slow for me.

Uncle Nick turns to Steve.

Nick Fury: Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This doesn't mean we're making...

Tony and I see more images come up on the screen. We both stand up and I  spin the screen around.

Y/N: I'm sorry uncle Nick. What were you lying?

Steve: I was wrong Director. The world hasn't changed a bit.

Y/N: Did my old man know about Phase 2?

Nick turns to me and sighs.

Nick Fury: No, he didn't. I knew he'd never go along with something like this. So I never told him, that's the same reason I didn't tell you.

Y/N: Damn it Nick! I thought you were better than that.

Before we could say anymore we see Yelena and Natasha walk into the lab along with Thor.

Yelena then notices the images on the screen next to me.

Yelena: What's all that?

Bruce: Did you two know about this?

Natasha: No, but do you want to remove yourself from this environment Doctor?

Bruce: I was in Calcutta. I was well removed. And I'm not leaving because I want to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is creating weapons of mass destruction.

Uncle Nick points at Thor.

Nick Fury: Because of him.

Thor seems confused by this.

Thor: Me?

As the other's arguing with each other I hear a noise coming to from the scepter. As I get closer I hear a deep voice.

I reach out and touch the scepter, I then feel myself black out.

I start seeing flashes of different going on inside my head. I then see these different coloured stones flying space. One was green, one was yellow, one was red, one was orange, one was blue and the last one was purple. And the last thing I saw was an image of a big purple figure with a golden gauntlet.

When I come back to reality I have to quickly catch my breathe. Once I turn to the other's I see them looking at me with shocked faces.

Steve: Kid. Put down the scepter.

I look down to see I'm holding the scepter in my hand.

I put it back on the work bench, still in shock after what I saw.

After a moment of silence we all a noise come from the computer. We found the Tesseract.

Yelena's P.O.V

I look at Y/N and see that he's freaked out by whatever the scepter had just shown him.

So I go over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Yelena: (Whispers) Hey, you still with us?

He nods.

I then pull him close and give him a hug, I can then feel his heart racing. Whatever he saw or felt has definitely spooked him.

Y/N: (Whispers) Yeah, I'm still here

Yelena: Okay good. We still need you Cowboy.

Y/N's P.O.V

I smile when Yelena says this as she's been calling me that for about five months now. I actually like it to be honest

I pull away from Yelena and I try to figure out what I saw.

My spider sense goes off and I knew we were all in trouble.

Yelena: Hey Y/N, what's wrong?

I look at her.

Y/N: Something bad is about to happen.

I the turn my head.

Y/N: Oh fuck! Everyone get down!

At that  moment there was an explosion, this sent all of us flying and  it caused me to black out.

(A/N: Sorry, I know this chapter was a bit shorter.)

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