Chapter 13: The Rhino

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(Two weeks later)

Y/N's P.O.V

The past two weeks have been crazy for me. So I've fought a few new big bads that have been showing up.

I've had Max Dillan a.k.a Electro, Flint Marko a.k.a Sandman and a guy called Montana a.k.a Shocker.

Though while fighting lower level crime I keep hearing the name Bigman pop up, from what I understand he's some sort of crime-lord. But I can't seem to get a real name from these crooks that I tie up.

But my personal life is still good, I'm balancing being Y/N L/N and being Spider-Man pretty well. I've also become good friends with Yelena. She and I naturally get on as it turns out that she's seventeen, so she's only two years older than me. I gotta say it's nice to talk to my superhero stuff with someone who really understands it.

Oh and apparently Yelena and Natasha are adopted sisters.

I'm currently with Yelena now as she's just told me about her and Natasha taking down the Red Room and escaping etc.

She and I are sat across from each other in a coffee shop as she's just told me the story.

Y/N: So, you never knew your real parents?

Yelena: Nope, I was taken by the Red Room before I ever knew them.

Y/N: That's fucked up, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Once you and Natasha got out, did you ever look for your real parents?

She nods.

Yelena: Yes, Nat and I both looked for our birth parents. But all we found of them were their graves.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry.

Yelena: It's okay. Honestly, I'm just glad that I know what happened to them. Now, I don't have to spend the rest of my life wondering, you know.

Y/N: Yeah, I get that. Look, about what you said about you being a monster.

She nods.

Y/N: Well, for what it's worth I don't think you're a monster. I think you're a good person.

She smiles.

Yelena: Thank you. That means alot.

I nod.

Yelena then looks down at her vest.

Yelena: Did you know this is the first piece of clothing I've ever bought for myself?

I look at the vest.

Y/N: That?

Yelena: Yeah, what? Don't you like it?

Y/N: What is it? An army surplus?

Yelena: Okay, it has alot of pockets.

I chuckle at this.

Yelena: But I use them all the time, and I made some of my own modifications.

She then scoffs.

Y/N: Oh yeah?

Yelena: Whatever.

I laugh at her annoyance.

Yelena: Okay, shut up. The point is, when I got out of the Red Room I never had control over my own life before, and now I do. I want to start doing things.

Y/N: Okay, I like you vest.

Yelena: Ah, I knew it. I knew you did. It's so cool right?

Y/N: Yeah, it is. Does it come in mens?

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