Chapter 50: Avengers Age of Ultron Prologue

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Hey everyone, Y/N L/N here a.k.a the Ultimate Spider-Man. It's been awhile since I last spoke to you, so I figured it was time to bring you all back up to speed on what's been going on.

First of all, everything on the hero front has been great. The Web Warriors and I have been clearing house in New York, the crooks haven't known what hit them. Scarlet Spider, Agent Venom and Ghost Spider have all become great heroes in their own right, Justin has even joined the Avengers a couple of months ago.

Speaking of the Avengers, everything is good on that front too. The other's are on mission looking for Loki's scepter right now, Justin and I will be joining them soon. But right now he and I are needed in New York.

I did go on a weird adventure back in November of 2014. I some how got sucked into a portal and I ended up on an alternate Earth. While I was there I met Spider-Woman, who turns out to that Earth's version of my ex-girlfriend Mia. It turns out on her Earth both she and I got bit by radioactive spiders, but I died and she became Spider-Woman to defend the city for me.

This adventure actually gave me closure with Mia, and it helped me realise that I want to be with Yelena and that I love her.

Speaking of which, you're probably wondering what's been going on between Yelena and I since our kiss. Well, we haven't actually spoken about it. It's not that it's awkward between us, because it isn't. If anything things between us have been very flirty, we flirt alot with each other.

I want to tell her how I feel about her, but there never seems to be a right time for it. I just need to wait I guess.

Well that's it, you're all caught up. So I'll talk to you all later.

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