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Even though I was drunk yesterday I remember every single word of that conversation. I walk downstairs to the dining room for lunch.As I entered the room I was greeted with Mr and Mrs Archer.I smiled to them and made my way opposite to the chair they were sitting on.

"Where is Rhys?"She asked looking around. "Uh....Maybe He left early for work." I nervously laughed as the waiter placed my plate in front of me. "Thank you"I gave him a small smile.

Minutes passed and I ate in comfortable silence.More like Playing with my food.I wasn't that hungry."It's a bad habit to play with your food Elyse!"Mr Archer said noticing me.

"I am sorry.I am not really hungry.Just lot on my mind!"I said.

"It's fine!Everyone has those days."He smiled and continued with his food. All of sudden The door open and Rhys came in. His parents glanced at him but his eyes were on me. His gaze was burning holes on my skin.

He sat beside me and his plate was served in front of him. "Where were you?"Mr archer asked as he ate his food. "I had some work." Mr archer and Rhys lost in their conversation about business deals. Rhys hand was occasionally keep on rubbing my thigh.I covered my hand with his and removed it from my thigh.

Both Mr and Mrs shortly left after eating with me and Rhys left alone. "Are you nuts!"I hissed and got up from my seat. "What?!"

"Don't act innocent!Massaging my thighs?"He chuckled as I glared at him.I began walking towards the door but he grabbed my hands.

"Hey, I am sorry!"

"Yeah...Okay. I have to get ready." I freed my hand and walked upstairs towards my room. I still had some time so I decided to take a nap.


I quickly changed into a black off shoulder full length dress. I did light makeup and put a matching mask on my face. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I was fixing my hair in mirror as Rhys entered. "You look beautiful!"

"You look good as well!" He was wearing a black suit and a simple black mask. "I got you something!" He opened a small box which was in his hand and took out a necklace. I turned around and he slid it through my neck. His cold fingers sending shivers through my body.

I examined it and it had a unique structure. "It's really pretty, Thank you." I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his head on my neck. "It was of my grandma's!" He whispered. He was very close with her grandmother. She used to tell both of us numerous stories when we were little. Suddenly she passed away with a heart attack and it broke Rhys's heart.

"I will take a good care of it."

"I know you will. Shall we" We intertwined our arms and we walked downstairs.

Hiram drove us to the place where masquerade was being held. We didn't talk until we reached there. The place was massive and crowded. It was really hard to distinguish people.

An hour passed and I couldn't find Rhys. I began searching for him when I heard a familiar voice. I followed the voice and found Rhys talking with Ezra. Before I could approach him I stopped on my tracks when I heard his words.

"I love her Ezra.And I couldn't tell her because she is mad at me and she would think I just told her so that she can forgive me. What should I do? I can't hold it much longer."

He loves me.My breathing was uneven and my heart was breathing fast. All rest of their conversation was faint and the only thing I wanted to tell him now is that I love him too.

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt