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My life is so fucked up right now.I am marrying the person I hate and I can't do anything about it.

I changed into my black sport's bra and white sports shorts.I tied my hair into a pony and sneaked out of my house before my parents could notice what I was wearing.

I texted Aria,'Hey!Are you joining me for a run?'

'Sorry!I am down with a fever.'

'Ok!I will be coming today after my run.Bye'


I plugged my earphones and started running.I took a different route today because I wanted a change.

I was humming to the tune when I suddenly bumped into a hard wall.I didn't realised I was completely zoned out.My thoughts were all over the place.

I looked up and saw Rhys smiling.Actually smiling and not smirking!"Why are you smiling?"

"No reason!"

"Okay!"I started running."You usually take this route?Because I have never seen you on this one."He said catching up to me.

"No..I wanted to try a different route."I shrugged. We ran in silence for 15 minutes until Rhys suggested that we should grab a coffee. I argued with my mind not to go but somehow I end up in a café.I hate myself.

"Here's your latte and a black coffee, to go." The waiter said handing me my latte and Rhys his black coffee .He winked at me and slide me a tissue paper which I guess was his number. He was cute but I was getting fucking married next month.I want to annoy Rhys, so I went with it.

"Maybe call me sometime!" He smiled and gave me another wink. I glanced at Rhys and I could tell that he was annoyed and angry so I decided to test is patience. "I will!" I gave him a huge smile. Before he could speak Rhys grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the shop and into the nearest alley.

I was trying so hard to control my laugh. "What the hell was that?!" He exclaimed. "What?" I mumbled. "Elyse you were flirting with him!"

"It was a harmless flirting!" His face was priceless. "Why? Are you jealous?" I smirked. " I am not Jealous! you are not allowed to flirt with other guys because we are getting married."

"Why? I don't care if you flirt with other girls." I shot back. I was literally frustrated right now. He can't tell me what to do! "I don't care if you flirt with other girls or slept with them.Back there I was just having some fun.I wasn't going to call him but maybe now I will."

"Just shut the fuck up!"He yelped trapping me between the wall and him."Why?!Why are you even marrying me? I am sure there are better girls who would give you better company because, aren't I  a lowlife idiot!And I am sure as hell you will think that our marriage is a joke(which it is) like our friendship was.And even if you aren't regretting it now you will in future.

Because I am regretting even agreeing with this.If I wasn't afraid that my-"I stopped myself as soon as I realised what I was saying.

"my-?What?"He wanted me to complete my sentence."Nothing!Let me go!"I didn't realised i was crying."No!"He deadpanned. "Why are you doing this?Please just let me go!"I cried pushing his chest but he wasn't moving.

"No!Not until you tell me what is bothering you!"He exclaimed."Everything is bothering me!"I growled."I am getting fucking married to the man who called me a lowlife,Idiot,stupid,Bitch and Oh-"

"Elyse!Please Stop."

"Called our friendship a joke and a mistake.Guess what Rhys you were damn right our friendship was a fucking mistake!"No It wasn't.Those were the best years of my life and he had to fucking ruin it.

"You don't mean it!"He mumbled."Yes I mean it.And I am proud of myself to finally realise it."For 3 years I have been denying that those things he said to me was because he was angry at something but then he started bullying me all my school life and if that wasn't enough he did it whenever we ran into each other.

I liked him a lot but all those bullying turned it into hatred."Now I have answered you So let me go.And never tell me what to do.I will flirt with whom I want and even Fuck or date them.And as for you go Fuck anyone you want.Maybe Bethany or London would like to share a bed to you just like the girl from other night!"

"Fine!Do anything you want!I don't care!"He spat.Even though I said him to fuck anyone but the idea of him sleeping with some other girl still hurts me."Fine!"I huffed and shoved past him.

I kept on running until I reached Aria's house.

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now