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My heart was beating out of my chest. We both were alone against Tim and 7 other men. I could see that he was clearly distracting Tim while the guards arrive but it was still making me nervous and freaked out.

"It's a good thing that I have both of you together, now I can torture Your wife and you can see her suffer."He smirked as two men came behind me and grabbed me by arms.

"No..."Rhys walked toward me but one of the guy hit his knee from behind and he fell down. They chained him on the wall and the guy who was holding me tightened his grip. They covered Rhys mouth with a cloth.

Tim came towards me and slapped me. He wrapped his fingers around my neck and pinned me to the wall. I could hear Rhys muffled screaming.

I screamed as Tim's grip around my neck slowly tightened. He lift me up in the air with one hand as he punched me on the bullet wound. I was feeling every emotion at that time.I wanted to scream but it came out as struggling. My lips were bloody and my cheeks were bruised.

All the voices behind me were slowly fainting and my eyes were closing But then suddenly the gate burst open and The next thing I knew that I was falling on the floor.

I landed with a loud thump and hit my head very hard. My eyes became dizzy for a second but then it returned back to normal. I could see that 4-5 guards fighting with Tim's man while Ezra was trying to break Rhys chain.

I slowly stood up from my place and till the time I was on my feet ,Rhys was already standing in front of me.

"Are you okay?!"He asked and ran a finger through the cut on my forehead. "Hey!I'm okay.Don't worry about me,Handle him!" I pointed towards Tim who was fighting with Ezra.

"Stay Here!" He said and ran off to him. I hide behind the pillar as other men arrived. The guards were outnumbered and one of them was already injured.

Slowly as his Men started to fell on the floor our guards started to reduce. Ezra went to help the guards and that fight lead them out of the room slowly.

Soon there was only Tim ,one of his blond men,Rhys and me. They both punched Rhys on stomach at the same time and I closed my eyes because I couldn't see him in pain.

The one thing I'm sure of is that I can take blondie because he isn't muscular and his hair were long which was coming between his eyes and plus I am a Brown Belt.

I slowly sneaked behind the men and hit him on the neck at the point which is a soft spot in every Human. He screamed and fell on the floor. Rhys and Tim were so into fighting that they didn't notice me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and locked it. Slowly his struggling and tapping vanished and he was soon unconscious.

I was still processing that my Karate actually helped me in real life. I saw that Tim was actually struggling with Rhys.

Tim Hit him on the shoulder (yeah I know right) and Rhys reacted with punching him on the stomach. Tim coughed blood and wiped his mouth. He pulled out a gun and pointed it on Rhys.

Suddenly my body became numb and I was shaking. I don't know what I was gonna do at the moment.


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