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"Elyse!ELYSE!"Rhys shouted.Why is he shouting?We are playing catch and I had a phone call from Jason.How did the news spread so fast.We just answered that question like 2 hours ago.

Anyways!Jason called me because he wanted to confirm the news personally from me.Wow! He is so desperate.

When I confirmed I was getting married to Rhys he got angry.Oh yeah Fucking Angry!He started saying how much he loves me and wants to be with me.

I said I never gave him a hint that I like him.He screamed some words at me and then hung up.

"Don't scream!"I said coming from behind the tree.

"I thought we were playing catch instead of hide and seek!"He pouted like a child.

"We were!I was just answering a phone call!"I explained.

When we were kids We often play catch with each other.One time I got lost in the woods while playing hide and seek with him and Rhys got so scared that after that we never played hide and seek here.

This was the place where I got my first kiss from Rhys.It was a magical moment.And from that moment I knew I liked him in a romantic kind of way.Even after our fight I never lose feelings for him.I often cursed myself for liking him in that way because I knew even if we tried he will never feel the same way about me.

I tried to ignore my feelings and then he got involved with London which made it easier for me and soon the feelings I had for him faded.I really wish that some day all that we have been through in the past suddenly vanish or we could pretend that it never happened.But harsh words coming from the only person who you thought really cares about you is very hard to ignore.

I glanced at my phone to check the time. It was half past five.The time really got away from us.My father gets home at 6 and if he sees me in this dress,I am screwed.

"We should go!"I said slipping on my black dress."Take me home first!I will pick up my car later."

"Okay!"We hurried our way towards the car.I prayed that my father isn't drunk.Only one person in that house will always try to protect me from my father and that is Miss Jules.She is our housemaid.

She is in her mid-50s and always try to fight my dad when things got away.She always takes care of me in a way that my mother couldn't.She is very sweet and kind and I love her.

We reached my home in 20 minutes.Still 10min lefts until he arrives."Thank you!Bye!"I quickly got out of the car before he could say something.

I opened the gate and tried to tiptoed my way towards my room.But I stopped dead when I heard a angry growl coming from behind me.I turned around and saw My father sitting on his armchair with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

He gestured to me to come towards him.I made my way towards him with my head down.

Before I could say anything his hand connected with my cheeks very hard.I stumbled a stepped back as tears started forming in my eyes.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"He yelled and slapped me again."If I see you wearing this kind of dress again I will lock you in the basement.Now go to your room!"I wiped the few strands of tears from my face and ran towards the room.I don't want to shred more tears because of him.

I changed into a track and T-shirt and fell on the bed.Soon sleep started taking over me.


MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now