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"What did you find?" I asked Ezra.He has been trying to find who was behind the blast at the port for 3 straight days. "Tim Barton"

Tim Barton!How could I not know? Everything bad that has been happening in this city is because of him.Tim And I have a past.5 years back I found out about a deal taking place in this kingdom.When I reached there ,I saw dozens of girls tied and blindfolded walking inside a huge container.I could hear their whimpers even though I was far away.Anger gushed through my veins as I saw innocent girls being separated from their families.

I crashed their deals and luckily was able to rescue those girls with help from Ezra and my guards.I even almost captured Tim Barton ,The leader of that mafia but at the end moment someone threw a grenade causing a distraction.I have tried to find his main centre or safe house where he is hiding but every single evidence lead to nowhere.

"There is more!He is planning something big.Now that the news of you and Elyse getting married is out,Elyse is not safe.Not until Tim is behind the bars.He will do any possible thing to hurt you."He sat down on a chair and poured himself a glass of Whiskey.

"I can't tell her or force her!Things between us are going well and I don't want to ruin it!"I sighed.I don't want her to know what really goes in this town and I am not able to do anything. "Aww...."Ezra cooed.

"Shut up!"He just laughed. "Only two days are left for wedding!Can't this wait."I shrugged. "Nope!You don't have to tell her just keep her near you!Maybe convince her to come stay here with you!"He took a moment and then continued, "you know what Tim is capable off!"Hearing him say those words were enough convincing for me .


"This is a bad idea!"I mumbled to myself.Why did I break so easily when it come's to her. Currently I am at bar drinking a beer delaying to meet her purposely.

"Well hello there!What else can I get for you?"A waiter was trying to flirt with me but failing miserably."Nothing!Thank you!"I gave her a small fake smile.

"Tell me if-"

"Not necessary,I was just leaving."I said and shoved passed her sipping my beer.I walked towards my car and let out a breath before sitting on the car seat.

I started my car and slowly began driving towards her house.What if she ask questions of which answers I can't give.I was literally sweating,as I was driving towards her house.

Few minutes later after almost missing her house I parked my car in her driveway.

I finished drinking my beer and got out of the car.As I got closer to the front gate I heard muffled screaming from inside.I peeped through the thin window attached beside the front gate and the curtains were open enough for me to look through.

I glanced inside and saw a vase shattered on the floor.As my eyes wandered farther I saw Elyse and her father talking.More like her father was screaming at her.

The next I knew was that his father lift his hand and slapped her.I immediately rang the bell and took a step back.Why didn't she talked to me about it or at least Aria?Because I know If Aria knew about this she would have told Ezra or me.

My heart was beating faster when I heard footsteps growing louder.The door clicked open revealing Mr.Cyrus Madden.He had a huge smile on him which I want to beat it out of him.

He was standing in front me like there is nothing wrong,Like he didn't just slapped Elyse.And worst part is I don't think he even regret it.

"Ahh..Prince Rhys why are you standing there please come inside."He gestured moving aside so I can walk in.

"Oh..That won't be necessary,I am just here for Elyse."I said trying hard not to snap and beat the shit out of him.I glanced at Elyse who was currently cleaning the shattered vase.

Her hand was bleeding from where she got hurt last time.That cut might have reopen.

I watched her as she pick the broken vase in her both hands and disappeared somewhere into kitchen.

Few minutes later she came in the hallway with a bandage hand and said,"Let's go."I simply nodded and followed her outside towards my car.

I am going to confront her about her father first then rest later.


MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now