Chapter 19

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As per I said I was at home in an hour. I was walking upstairs to the room while scrolling through Instagram.I slowly opened the door and found him sleeping. I sat on the bed and let myself fall on it.Minutes passed and I was still laying with a blank expression when my stomach growled.

I was starving but didn't have energy to walk downstairs.I searched around the room to find something to eat that's when my eyes landed on M&M's one of my favourite chocolate and only yellow one.I tip toed my way towards the pile of yellow M&M's and took one.Eating slowly one by one.I am not a fast eater!

I sat in the bed with a book while eating my chocolate.I was so into reading that I didn't notice Rhys waking up.

"Seem's you found M&M's"He joked.I nodded happily. "How are you now?" I asked getting closer to him but not to close or I might get his fever. "Much better!"He said.He looked fresh so I believed it.

An hour passed and I finished my M&Ms. Questioned popped in my head and I had to ask."Can I ask you something?" He hummed in response.

"Why did you do that to me in Highschool? If you are not okay you can answer me later. But I need that answer." I assured.

"It's Alright. That day I had a huge fight with my parents. I was so angry that nothing made sense. And talking to you always make me feel better. At school I was walking towards you to tell you about what happened because I knew you would understand me. You always understand me. I bumped into London and she said that she heard you talking to someone that you are using me. She also said some other stuff that Frankly I don't remember and don't want to.The anger was already Boiling inside me and London triggered it. I regret every word I said that day to you till now. I liked you very much that time that it was causing me pain to hear that you were using me.Later I found that you never said anything to anyone that you never could."

"You know I would never use you right."I said still trying to process everything I heard. "I know now and I knew that day But I don't what came over me then. And I regret every single Thing I have said and done to you since then.Please Forgive me."

I didn't know what to say. I knew London despised me because I was So close to Rhys but ruining our Friendship was at another level. I leaned in and pecked his cheeks."I am sorry!" He more like reminded me. " It's Okay." I said.

"I like you so much!" He said moving his head on my lap.Do I like him?I feel attracted to him in a strong way. And I like his personality,smile-Fuck.Oh my Fucking god.I like Him and I just admitted to myself.

But it will be so hard to move on. And maybe Rhys  is the only one which will help me with that. So I should admit to him that I like him. "If you don't want to-"

"I like you too!" I leaned and pecked his lips hoping not to get his fever.

Suddenly there was a Knock on the door. "Come in!"Rhys Shouted sitting up. "Madam you have a visitor!" Steven said coming in. "Who?"

"Jason prince of-"I cut him off."I will be there In a minute.And Oh Steven please call me Elyse!"He nodded with a smile and left the room."Do you want me to handle it?"Rhys asked.

"No!You rest.I will be fine."The concern look on his face grew. "Seriously."I added and got up.

I walked downstairs and found Jason waiting for me in the garden.I walked towards him and asked. "Hi.What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to apologise for that day.I am sorry."He could've done it on the phone. "Okay!?"I was confused and annoyed but I didn't let it show. "I will go now!"I started walking but Jason grabbed my hand. "What the -"

He spun me around and pushed me towards the nearest wall. "I want you Elyse!Why won't you understand that?Instead you go and marry a moron."He growled.

"Let me go!"I snarled. He didn't bulge.I lift my right knee and kicked him in his stomach.He fell back So I took that as an advantage and threw punches on his face.

"GET OUT" I said kicking him in ribs one last time.I went inside the castle and told Steven to escort our guest out.

I walked upstairs proud of myself and with the fact that I just hit a prince.

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