two | code pumpkin

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𝚝𝚠𝚘 | 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚔𝚒𝚗

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𝚝𝚠𝚘 | 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚔𝚒𝚗

Sitting on the roof in New York City is the most serene feeling on earth. You're surrounded by the skyscrapers that reach up to the sky. The calm darkness above the city that never sleeps.

Looking down onto the streets, it's like watching a silent movie. You can hear the sounds in your head: the honking of horns, people chatting, tires screeching, and police sirens in the distance. From this height, the sounds are drowned out. You can hear nothing but your own thoughts.

Sitting on this roof, it took me nearly twenty minutes to set up my surveillance equipment.

My tablet held all of the videos from inside of the apartment. I had binoculars and my digital camera with a giant fisheye lens facing towards the Hawthorne residence. Keeping an eye on ten things at once is crucial. 

The parents, Maya and William Hawthorne, accounted for. Maya is in her office doing paperwork. William is in his own office doing work. The son, Archer Hawthorne, is unaccounted for.

Archer Hawthorne is Subject 1031.

Code Name: Pumpkin King.

The two household employees: Diane, the maid. Anthony, the chef. Both are accounted for. Diane is in the laundry room. Anthony is in the kitchen.

"This family is so boring," I muttered.

Swiping through the monitors on my tablet was growing boring. Only four rooms needed to be checked right now. I checked every camera multiple times, but I assume Archer Hawthorne isn't home right now.

Monday night, and Archer Hawthorne has class tomorrow morning at 10am. It's unusual for Archer Hawthorne to not be home on weeknights.

There is nothing important about Diane and Anthony. My focus remained on Maya and William Hawthorne. My mind also wondered where Archer Hawthorne could be.

After taking pictures of Maya and William Hawthorne in their offices, I figured that taking their picture was tedious. They aren't doing anything! These people are scientists that work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation! How could they always be doing nothing? No offense!

I picked up the monitors and started looking through the different cameras.

A majority of the rooms remained empty.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed.

Diane and Anthony were both in the kitchen lying on the floor. No murder weapon in sight. From the view of the camera, their necks don't look snapped. Possibly a knife wound. Someone would've heard gunshots.

I think they were stabbed.

It took every fiber in my being to not enter the building and check for life. The two people lying on the floor could still be alive. It would blow my cover if I walked into that building. I have no authorization to be here. I would be present at an active crime scene, the police would want to question me, I could be considered a suspect for this crime. I'm not authorized to be here.

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