the one where they take a swim in the winter waters- part 2

Start from the beginning

Immediately the lock on the door clicked open. Elyna quickly sat inside the car and finally looked at the strawberry brunette haired girl beside her.

Her mascara was smeared all over her cheeks and her eyes were puffy red. She kept dabbing her nose with the wet and crumpled up tissue and a bit of the wet paper was stuck on her cheek.

“I know I look horrendous,” Lydia sobbed, “but please don’t tell anybody.”

“Oh my god,cautiously
idding me?!” She delicately plucked the bit of wet tissue away. “Why in the world will I tell anyone?”

“Because...because people would love to know how the Lydia Martin has completely gone off the rails. I’m the town’s wack-job.” Lydia’s bottom lip trembled as a fresh wave of tears tumbled down her eyes.

Elyna wordlessly pulled the girl in a hug. The strawberry blond first stiffened at the unexpected gesture but later relaxed, sobbing in the new girl’s shoulder.

Elyna patiently waited for the girl to cry her heart out. She knew that something very bad was going on with Lydia and that her carefree, ‘I’m a bitch' attitude was just an outwardly appearance, in inside, she was completely broken.

The brunette liked to remain as a wallflower; out of anyone’s radar, but she often had broken her self-made rules in dire situations, like this. She just can’t leave a person like this and mind her own business- she is not like that.

Lydia Martin only needed Elyna for a few minutes before she was fine again. Elyna had managed to get Lydia’s lost confidence back. The strawberry brunette haired girl was more than ready to go back to the fields and show the whole stadium, especially Jackson that his breakup with her meant nothing for her.

Somehow, Elyna had managed to get away from Lydia when she was at the snacks counter and rush to the school.

The hallway was completely deserted and dark and for a moment the hazel eyed girl wondered if she’d teleported to some horror story.
Stiles scent was barely there, but her sharp skill made it possible to track it

She walked cautiously and found herself in front of the Principal’s Office. The door was wide opened and the key was in they keyhole but there was no trace of the whiskey eyed boy.

at was Stiles doing in Gerard’s office, she wondered.

One of the drawers was slightly opened. Elyna opened the drawer and saw thick books arranged in them, which were slightly dishevelled.

Someone had rummaged through them.

Suddenly something whizzed past her making her heart skip a beat. Elyna’s senses immediately dialled to ten, as she tried to keep her stance relaxed.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she could feel the thing stand up slowly behind her. It’s scent was pungent and horrid, definitely not human like. She could feel the thing tower over her, it’s hot, quick, hard breath hitting her cold shoulders.

Suddenly the thing reached forwards and swiped it claws on Elyna but the girl speeded away from it in the last moment.

lyna gasped seeing a six foot tall lizard monster growling at her, it’s nasty yellow eyes trained on her.
“Fuck, Curt Connors!” she breathed and backed away.

The lizard adjusted it’s stance and bared it’s rows of razor sharp teeth at her and Elyna hissed back, her eyes turning into pearly white, and her canines coming out.

Elyna hummed the tune to enchant the creature. For a second it stopped on its tracks and crouched down on all its fours, breathing heavily. Seeing her enchantment work, she sung louder. The creature shuddered and finally became still, it’s head hung low.

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