• ❝ 𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮. ❞ •

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❾¾ ⌁☍ ♪ ‹ 𝓶𝓪 𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓬𝓮 › ♪ ☍⌁¾❾

Dumbledore led Harry into the castle, still shaken and traumatized, saw Cedric dead in front of him. Halls seemed so long, empty between him and Dumbledore without starting a conversation.

"Professor," said Harry lowly to Dumbledore. "I saw someone - I mean, d'you know Thompson?"

Dumbledore stopped and so did Harry, he turned to Harry, watching him through his half-moon glasses. Guessing inside Harry, nodding firmly, "I can say you met him, yeah, he's turned out is Mephistopheles. My biggest mistake wasn't realizing such a small thing, even in a tangible form."

"How did he get in?" Harry asked timidly. "I mean as I know from Fud - Sirius," he quickly corrected himself, aware and silently cursed himself; Dumbledore doesn't know about him go to Hogsmeade with Invisibility Cloak and the Marauders Map, also heard a conversation at the Three Broomstick. "he's still in his prison, mumbled a girl names."

"Apparently he ran off with Sirius last year," said Dumbledore. "Sneaking to be precise."

"But Mephistopheles is Professor Moody's pet."

"Not the real Moody, Harry," said Dumbledore, shaking his head.

Harry frowned, not the real Moody? Then he widened his eyes, what did he mean? So Mal's prejudice of Moody - is it true? his mind said sinking.

"He's Barty Crouch Junior." said Dumbledore bitterly. "He disguised himself as a Polyjuice Potion, put the Imperius Curse on the real Mad-Eye and locked him up in his own trunk. Every time it runs out, the real Mad-Eye will have his hair taken for potion by Crouch."

"How could that be?" Harry asked, his head spinning with a headache.

"His mother sacrificed her position for him," said Dumbledore. "Surely you do remember how his mother reacted when Barty Crouch Senior sentenced his own son to life in Azkaban, in Pensive, don't you? Senior Crouch also knew, hiding it all this time in his house under the Imperius Curse. During a Quidditch Match, their house-elf persuades Crouch Senior to take Junior there behind the Invisibility Cloak, they did, and he's the one who stole your wand when you were trying to save Mal, he conjured the Dark Mark, showing the others Death Eater who denied Voldemort retaliation for disloyalty," implied a sick and disgust look at him. "And Thompson came to him, he had been with Voldemort long before Wormtail did, recruited him back and was tasked with smuggling into Hogwarts and killed his father. However, not only them."

"What d'you mean?" asked Harry puzzled.

"He's been helped by an insider," said Dumbledore, a fierce look on his aged face. "Miss Michelle Gloiriè, she helped them in."

"Gloiriè?" Harry gasped surprisedly, not expecting her to cross out lines. "But - she's mad, er - sorry Professor," he cleared his throat. "I didn't expect so."

"So am I, Harry," said Dumbledore nodding. "The reason is so simple, it's a shame to go too far beyond the limit."

Harry watched Dumbledore curiously, his old face hardened with anger.

"Because of insecurities of Mal." he continued. "Malice had blinded her, deafened all comments, crushed all compassion within her."

Wrath erupted inside Harry, Mal was injured because of Michelle, she was also the one who helped the Death Eaters draw Mal's blood.

"Then where are they now?" Harry asked.

"Professor McGonagall and Snape sort Crouch Junior out, I told her to send an owl to Azkaban so the guards realize they're short of a prisoner." said Dumbledore. "Or better that Miss Gloiriè participates."

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